Episode 2

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Episode 2-

              Marina- A couple of days has gone by since our shocking experience. Everyone seemed to calm down, although there were exceptions. Svet and Jowe are the only ones who haven't really shaken it off. Svet talks more than Jowe, but she will not look at anyone in the eyes. She has been writing an awful lot in her book, scribbling things down whenever she could. I caught her writing in her book when Shannon and Shelby went at it over video games. I noticed she wrote down Shannon's exact makeup, which was a beautiful fairy makeup. It covered almost all of her face. I thought, we never really do see her real face, do we?

     Jowe usually breaks down crying. The sad thing is no one will comfort him or even talk to him. Is it because he is a farmer? Do they think he is lower than them? It is ridiculous. I had the chance to talk to him though. I wasn't sure what day it was but it was a few after that terrible day. I found him in gym, looking at his locket. There was a grim silence; I could only hear me breathing. There was no one else in the gym. It was kinda creepy. I shook the feeling off and walked up to him. I didn't really know how to approach him so I said "Hey Jowe. What are you looking at?"

           Jowe- -jumps a bit when he hears her enter-Oh, howdy Marina. –Closes the locket, but seems to change his mind and opens it again- I am just looking at the locket my mother gave me. –holds the golden locket up. There isn't one flaw in it. The gold is shiny, showing a perfect reflection of Marina. On the front, there was the Japanese spelling of the word "Love" carved into the gold and glossed red-

  Such a kind woman, she works hard to keep me well off. –shows Marina the picture inside. Marina sits next to Jowe on the floor and looks at picture- You know, I almost couldn't come here. I excel in everything agricultural, but they almost rejected me for being poor.

            Marina- I looked at the frail woman on the picture holding a small child resembling Jowe. She looked like she worked day in and day out. There were large, dark bags under her eyes. She was smiling, but you could see exhaustion in her face. I could see the white hairs creeping from her red bandana she had keeping her hair up. "She is a beautiful woman"

             Jowe- Why thank you kindly, Marina. I do miss her an awful lot. –Looks down at the picture and begins crying. A tear splashes gently onto his boot, mixing in with the caked earth plastered to the sole- I need to get out of here. That morning, Monokuma played the screaming and what not; he played one of my mother screaming. She started coughing awfully loud too. You don't reckon.....she...she –cannot finish sentence-

               Marina- I hated seeing him like this. I hate seeing anyone is this kind of agonizing pain. I wrapped my arm around him and said softly "Jowe, I am sure she is doing fine. Whatever Monokuma is doing is to make us lose our reason and start killing each other. It is what he wants..." I grabbed and held his hand "Jowe, I promise that once we get out of here, you will be back with your mother." I hugged him and felt his soft tears hit my back.

               Jowe- Oh thank you Marina! –Starts sniffling- I...I never thought I would have a friend.

  Before he could say another word, nervous laugher cuts him off.

               Svet- -is standing a couple of feet from them with a journal and pen in her hand. She finishes scribbling something in her book- Are you serious? We aren't going to ever leave. We will die in here.–Scribbles in journal and mumbling-

                 Jowe- We won't die in here Svet. Someone will find us.

              Svet- Oh, I do not disagree there. But do you know how they will find us? In body bags. One by one, we will be tossed in the back of a van like fish just caught from the sea. That is why I am writing this. It is every single thing that goes on each day. That way everyone knows who dies first up to when I get killed. It will be a number one seller by the time I am lying in the earth.

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