Ep. 14.3

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    Shannon returned about 30 minutes later. "I talked to Gabby. Marina had found something Cordell had left for her that could have helped her discover us, so she's taking care of it. ...What's wrong with you?"

                          I guess I was pale or something because she was looking at me. "He...he's dead."

               She snapped. "No shit, Sherlock! God, what is with you and him? Were you gay for him or something?"

              I gave her an angry look and replied, "I told you he was my god damn best friend! And now he is dead because of you..."

              Shannon was right in my face now, her sharp nails digging in to my arms. She says in a sickly calm voice, "No, he is dead because of you. You made the execution. And you joined me. It is your fault, not mine. Now, get back to work, there is more to be done. "

                She left and I stood up from my chair, but collapsed onto my knees. "This is all my fault...all of this. Shannon never cared for me. She was never my friend..."

                 I looked at the monitor, noticing some movement. Marina was in Cordell's room, just about to leave. "Marina, I am sorry..."

               I can't allow for this anymore. I would rather have my friends kill me then make them suffer anymore. I have to keep low though. I will take Shannon out when I feel the numbers are right. I returned my gaze to the monitor. I squinted as I noticed someone following her. She can't die now! Wait...Gabby? What is Shannon doing? Gabby had a rag in her hand. I watched as she knocked Marina out and stole something from her hand. I couldn't make it out, but Shannon took it from her and left. I could see Gabby crying now. Poor girl, she doesn't want to do this but what choice does she have? This is why I need to take Shannon out.

                    Shannon burst into the room. "I kinda want to take Marina out using Gabby. The despair would just be so delightful! Kyojuro, set up the next motive. Something that will force Gabby to kill. Make it fun too.  I am going to take a bath."

                She left again and I sighed. I did what she asked, but I wasn't going to have anymore murders. Anyways, I created her "motive" which was so stupid, it made me gag. I know that Gabby will not participate in it, so Shannon can at least not suspect me of betraying her. The moment I released the motive, Gabby started freaking out. I knew she would and to be honest, I felt like shit doing this to her. Shannon came back into the room, rather pleased with me. "She is not going to last long, hehe. Good job!"

                She stayed in the room with me. Oh how I wish I could just snap her neck now. No...I need to wait. I have already calculated and came up with an attack that would both catch her by surprise and give me a 100% guarantee of killing that bitch.

                  Anyways, I watched as Ashley and Gabby planned on who to murder. They chose Tekai. For some reason, I didn't feel any sympathy for him. I didn't know him well enough, so too bad. The next morning, I watched as Ashley and Gabby proceeded with their plan. Ashley lured Victoria and Marine away as Gabby went ape shit on Tekai. This was sick. Shannon was watching the screen with excitement, except she began to vomit in her trashcan when blood gushed from his wounds. All I could do was watch the horror in front of me. How could I ever like this? Shannon is a sick bitch.

                I noticed that Manoto was taking pictures. Perfect, if he can get the pictures to everyone, it will be an easy case. But of course, it isnt that simple here. I knew Ashley would find him. Suffocation is painful and it honestly scares me, but Shannon was just enjoying the show. I don't want to waste your time with fretful details, but as always, Marine discovers a body, they get to investigate yada yada, then the trial. Shannon was so happy. "Double murder equals double despair!" she would scream. The trial seemed to go on forever, but Ashley made one brutal mistake. Ashley isnt a ditz, so it surprised me. Just goes to show what fear does to some people.

               Ashley and Gabby had just been voted guilty and Shannon was losing her shit. I grabbed the katana I hid under my desk and pulled it from its sheath, hoping she wouldn't turn around. She must have excellent hearing because she instantly wheeled around with this sadistic look on her face. "Haha, I was waiting for this Kyojuro. But let's let your friends suffer with you!"

               She pressed the button on her side of the room which instantly dragged Ashley and Gabby to their execution. I won't let them die! I swung at her, but she was gone in a flash. She appeared a foot away, with a large cut on her face. Blood dripped from the wound and she just smiled. "Kyojuro, you know what? I never actually cared for you. I just wanted someone to do my work while I can play around. But you've become a nuisance and I guess I have to get rid of you now. Such a waste of despair."

          I heard a blade being pulled from a sheath and saw a flash of silver. I jumped back but noticed my jacket had a large rip in it. She's fast as hell. Ashley and Gabby are in their places. The music will begin soon, I cant let that happen. Shannon struck, but she forgets that I am smarter than her. I dodged and struck at her again, hitting her side. The blow wasn't great, but I could see the blood seep from her shirt. She again swung at me, allowing me to create a large gash in her left thigh. How the hell is she still standing? Her smile was gone and she readied herself. From this trajectory, I could avoid her attack and give her a fatal blow. I noticed on the monitor that Ashley and Gabby's punishment began. Blood was coming from every opening on their head. The emergency stop button was right behind me, but that would allow Shannon a time to strike. Save my skin or potentially theirs? No, I have to help them.I quickly calculated my timing and pressed the emergency stop. I heard the music stop and I was about to wheel around when I felt a searing pain in my chest. Shannon had somehow gotten behind me. How? It took me only three seconds to hit the button when it would have taken her about seven to reach me. "My calculations...were incorrect."

            I noticed the blade was right above my heart. She knew this wouldn't kill me instantly. I collapsed on my knees as she removed the blade. She wasn't looking at the blood, but the look on her face was struck with approval. I could get back up and swing one last time, but I looked at the monitor. Ashley and Gabby were basically dead. They are suffering because of me...I dropped my katana and backed into the wall, watching the monitor. "I'm sorry to you all...."

           Shannon switched the settings back on, but way to high. Ashley and Gabby's heads exploded instantly. I watched as their bodies hit the floor with a thud, both of them hand in hand.

 I...failed....i failed to save them....I could feel myself starting to fade away. Shannon looked at me with a smile. "That's right, let the despair take you. There is nothing you can do to help them."

              And for the first time in awhile, I gave a legitimate toothy smile, blood staining my teeth. "I may not be able to, but I know who will. And when they find out it is you, you will die. I will be waiting to see you in Hell."

             My sight was growing fainter. She didn't smile at me; she simply turned around and left. I kept my smile on my face as I faded away into darkness.  

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