Episode 13

368 11 4

       Marina- Monokuma opened this trial.

         Monokuma- Pupupu! Because this is our last trial together, I will be joining in! –hops down onto stand- first, let's find out who the mastermind is and take you time! We have all day! Ahaha!

          Victoria- How do we even start?

         Nikki- We have to think logically. Who could it be?

          Cratos- I believe it is the principle!

        Victoria- Cratos, we don't even know who the principle is!

       Marina- "Did anybody find any crucial evidence? I said anything can be used, no matter how stupid it may sound. We never know what can help" I bit my lip. This is going to be hard.

        Nikki- I have noticed something recently. When we first arrived here, everything was spotless. Literally spotless. But after Gabby and Ashley's execution, it almost seemed like Monokuma started to slack. Everywhere seemed to start collecting dust or was never cleaned well enough.

        Marina- "I have noticed that too. But that doesn't give us any hint towards who is behind this. " I gripped Hankuri's locket.

        Monokuma- Hahaha! Harder than you thought, huh punks!

       Victoria- Well, I remember you saying yourself, Marina, that the voice you heard talking to the guy was a girl. Hankuri mentioned about a 17th student, a guy. So the Mastermind has to be a girl.

        Cratos- I noticed something weird having to do with girls. I was investigating everyone's room and noticed there were two rooms missing personal possessions. Both Shannon's rooms were empty. No paper or makeup to be seen.

         Nikki- maybe Monokuma removed their possessions.

       Monokuma- -white side of face turns red and he shows his claws- I never touch anything that belongs to you! That would be beary immature. I would never show such a nasty side.

         Marina- Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head. Something Monokuma said made me think. Personality? Sabrina?

         Victoria- By the way, I found this picture in my room. –passes it around-

         Marina- It was another picture, similar to the two Hankuri had with the files. Victoria was jamming out on her guitar in the background while Cordell was play boxing with Ashley. Gabby was in the corner, smiling and looking at Ashley. I passed it back when Cratos spoke up.

       Cratos- I got one like that too.

      Nikki- as did I.

      Victoria- are these forged?

     Marina- They can't be. Not with the video as evidence. They just can't be. "I do not believe they are." I could see everyone look at me now. "I was investigating upstairs in the Principle's office when I came across a working laptop. There was a video in it and it showed us agreeing to live here to some guy, who I presume was the principle. We clearly knew what was coming and agreed to stay. I...I think we were here much longer than a few weeks. The man talked about an incident that happened years ago and mentioned he was in the same predicament."

        Nikki- Wait, I remember reading something somewhere about an incident they called The Worst, Most Despair Inducing Incident in Human History. I do not remember all the details, but I remember something being mentioned about 6 people who got out of something. Umm..I believe one of the names were Kirigiri and Fukawa.

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