Episode 4

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Episode 4-

                             Marina- after the first classroom trial, the second level of the school opened up to us. There was a huge pool that took up an entire room, along with two separate locker rooms. Monokuma had come by and told us if we tried to go into the opposite gender locker room, we would be killed. Of course there can’t be anything non-violent here. Ashley and Gabby stayed behind in the group, causing Nikki to become rather suspicious. She had kept eyeing them every time we stopped, noticing they stayed back if anyone went into a room. After investigating the new level, all of the girls hung out in the locker room, including Gabby. I actually liked the room. Bright fuchsia paint covered the walls and even the weights had been colored a slight pink, so everything matched my scarf that I twirled in my fingers. There were benches that lined up the walls. Everyone was just talking and giggling until Nikki interrupted.

                               Nikki- -in front of Gabby who is looking down with Ashley next to her- Why don’t you ever speak? You are the only one in this entire school who hasn’t spoken a word. You didn’t speak up during the trial either. Doesn’t anybody else find this suspicious? What are you hiding? –Puts hands on her hood and flips it off, revealing her hair and pale face.-

                               Gabby- -looks to her side, nervously, trying to ignore Nikki-

                           Nikki- -now angered- I asked you a question! Answer me now! –picks her up by her jacket and now she looks frightened-

                                Ashley- -Pulls Nikki’s collar and slams her to the floor- You will not touch her! She doesn’t speak for a reason, so leave her alone! –walks away from a frustrated and obviously shocked Nikki. Helps Gabby up and looks at her-

                                  Nikki- -pissed, gets up and punches Ashley hard in the face- Do not ever touch me!

                                  Marina- Both of them then started fighting. Nikki was far more powerful than Ashley, but that didn’t stop her. She clawed, punched, and even bit her. While Ashley screamed, Nikki stayed silent and barely winced whenever Ashley hurt her.  I noticed Gabby pull her hood back up and move to the corner of the room where none of the other girls were. Everyone else was watching, obviously not going to step in. Victoria had a smile on her face and was enjoying the fight going on. Even after hitting Nikki square in the nose, the fight didn’t cease. I walked to Gabby and noticed she was crying. I went up to her and asked “Do you want me to stop this?” She nodded at me, pleased that someone is going to stop the turmoil. I walked to them and pushed them both from each other, only to get punched in the nose. The pain was terrible, but I ignored most of it. I heard a loud gasp from Nikki, her being the one to strike me by mistake. I  felt the fresh, warm blood leak from its new wound and I screamed. “Stop it! Stop it both of you! This is what Monokuma wants! Keep this up, and we will never get out of here!” I look at Nikki and noticed she had a tear in her eye while Ashley had already gone over to Gabby and have begun apologizing. I then noticed all the blood on my face and dribbles on my scarf. Shannon had thrown up on the floor near Sabrina, who came to me and asked if she could take me to the restroom. I went with her because Shannon’s gagging was starting to make me nauseous. When we got in there, she wiped the blood gently and told me to look up as she scrubbed my scarf. “Sabrina, are you ok? I meant to ask since the whole execution.”

                         Sabrina- Yeah, I guess. I just don’t want to be here anymore. I came here with nothing or no one to back me up. Out of everyone here, I am probably the weakest. –Looks down and sighs- You know? The day everyone heard screams, I didn’t receive anything. Monokuma actually told me “I couldn’t even find anyone to scream for you. Hahaha! You will remain alone forever!” –Picks head up and looks at Marina directly in the eyes- But you know something? I haven’t given up. Even after what I saw yesterday, I still believe I will leave here and finally have friends. I guess I am sorta like Jowe in a way. But he at least had a mother there. Mine loved me very much but……-looks down but brings her head back up smiling- Let’s not be upset. We can’t let these things get to us, otherwise we will crumble and fall the way Monokuma wants us to. I am glad I could help you. Keep your head up to stop the blood flow. –runs out of room, pulling out a paintbrush just before she vanishes-

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