Episode 11

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           Marina- I was starting this trial today. “Hankuri was murdered roughly around 12:15 p.m. She was found about ten minutes later, the murder right under our noses. The first to find her was Sabrina, followed by Cratos, then Nikki.  Cause of death is unknown but she was stabbed numerous times, impaled, and her neck was slit. It is uncertain which if these blows killed her. At this time, the only person who is not a suspect is me as Monokuma has told you. And since the numbers are small, I do not trust any of you at this time. So let me tell you where she was before she died. She had written a note to me telling her she was on the third floor around Midnight. Does anybody want to share anything?” My ears were ringing. I didn’t feel good at all.

          Nikki- I did notice how Hankuri’s eyes were wide open, as if the blow came as a shock to her. I am guessing either the slice to the neck or the blow from the sword did the trick. All of the other wounds wouldn’t have killed her instantly.

           Cratos- So were all of the wounds just to confuse us?

           Nikki- it appears so. None of the wounds would have caused death on its own. Just suffering. I want to guess that her neck was slit before anything else.

           Monokuma- Pupupu! Actually, the sword was the killing blow. Hankuri didn’t die right away so her neck was slit, causing that frozen state of fear. Hahaha!

            Cratos- Monokuma, you are freaking sick.

           Monokuma- just enjoying the show Hahaha!

            Victoria- -ignoring Monokuma- Wouldn’t that mean someone’s sword is missing out of their room?

            Marina- “Did anyone check the rooms?”

             Sabrina- I looked in everyone’s room but the only sword that was missing was Hankuri’s. She must have taken it with her.

              Marina- “There is something I do not find quite right with that story. I was with Hankuri before she died. I was in her room with her…”

               Monokuma- Hahaha they were probably…

               Marina- I didn’t have the patience right now. “Shut your (insert beeping here) mouth Monokuma!” I calmed down a bit when I saw Cratos giving me that shocked look. Monokuma looked rather amused, but didn’t say a word. “When I fell asleep with her, the sword was there. When I woke up, it was still there. Someone must have taken Hankuri’s sword during investigations and put it in their room as a cover up. There should be a missing sheath somewhere.”

               Cratos- Marina, even if that is so, how could we tell whose it is? Marina, hate to bring this up, but did you find anything when…

               Marina- “When I looked at my dead girlfriend? Other than that note, I noticed there was this in her hand all melted and smashed.” I pulled the thing out of my pocket.

               Nikki- That is an oil pastel. I noticed in the art room there was a bunch of them knocked over and smeared. The footprints in the hall were oil pastels too.

                Sabrina- But the footprints stopped before reaching the next flight of stairs.

               Victoria- I found a bunch of wadded up paper towels in the trash before the stairs. Maybe they wiped their shoes off?

               Marina- I completely ignored what Victoria said.  “She had this in her hands when she noticed someone following her. She must have known who it was because she left a confusing clue in the art room. The number “7” was smeared in the wall. You could tell it was rushed by the way it was scribbled. The murderer was probably wasn’t paying attention. I want to suggest that Hankuri fought her assailant but knew she would lose. That could explain the knocked over oil pastels. “

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