Chapter 7 -- News

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*************************************Marinette's POV***********************************

She had woken up at 3 in the morning. She didn't understand what had made her wake up that early but maybe today she'd actually be to school on time. 

She couldn't go back to sleep, not that she tried too hard, so she got up and went down the little ladder to the landing that was her room. She sat down at her desk and accidentaly bumped the mouse. The screen turned on and revealed the collage of pictures Marinette had put together of Adrien.

She sighed and said, "I hope you're having good dreams, Adrien." She then got out her sketch pad and began to design a dress she wanted to make. She had no intention of using it really, she just wanted to test herself to see if she really could make something like this. After about an hour of brainstorming and designing, she came up with the perfect dress.

 After about an hour of brainstorming and designing, she came up with the perfect dress

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She held it up to see it better in the light. Tikki flew up behind her and said, "That looks amazing Marinette! Are you going to wear it to the ball?"

Marinette dropped her pad. "What?!" she screamed, forgetting that her parents were asleep downstairs. She dropped her voice to a whisper. "What ball, Tikki?"

"You know, the annual school ball. They have one every year."

"No they don't! Where did you find this information?" Marinette was extremely confused. Since when was there a ball?

"I was listening to your teacher in class. She was explaining all about the ball. It's next week, remember? Everyone's going."

"Marinette?" her mother called from downstairs. "Are you okay? We heard you screaming."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mom." Marinette called back. "I just scared myself is all." She heard her mother's footsteps quiet as she went back into her room. 

"But I didn't hear her say anything about there being a ball." Marinette continued, facing Tikki.

"That's because you're too busy staring at Adrien." Tikki pointed out. Marinette didn't deny it so she faced her sketch again.

"I guess if I get asked, then I'll wear it." Marinette answered, staring at the dress.

"If you get asked?" Tikki said. "Of course you'll be asked. You just need enough courage to say yes."

"How do you know that I will, Tikki?" Marinette questioned her kwami.

"Because you're brave, smart, pretty and amazing! Now, how're you going to say yes?" Tikki smiled. 

"Um, by saying yes." Marinette said, leaning over her bucket of fabric and pulled out the ruby red one. 

"But what if it's Adrien?" Tikki said.

Marinette froze. "Adrien won't ask me." she said, sitting up and staring at me. "He knows I'll only probably end up stomping on his foot a couple billion times."

"But what if he does?" 

"Then I'll say yes." Marinette went back to preparing the fabric for cutting. Even the thought of Adrien asking her made her blush, which she tried to hide from Tikki but no luck.

"You'll probably end up fainting or something." Tikki giggled. "Here. Let's practice on me." She puffed out her tini chest and said in the most manliness voice she could muster, "Hey, Marinette? Will you go with me to the ball?"

Marinette laughed in spite of herself. Tikki's voice still only sounded like a squeak.

"Sure, why not?" Marinette laughed and Tikki joined in with her.

**************************Time Skip*************************

"So girl." said Alya when Marinette walked into class on time for a change. "Do you want to go dress shopping for the ball?" 

"I, um, I'm already making mine actually. If I get asked, I'll wear it to the ball. I'll help you find yours though. I bet we can find the perfect dress for you." Marinette answered with a smile. She had finished the top section of the dress in a couple of hours after having to unstitch and restitch some seams.

"Oh, that's right." Alya said. "I forget about your mad skills as a seamstress." Marinette giggled.

Just then, Adrien and Nino walked in. The first thing Marinette noticed was that Adrien looked extremely down. 

"Yo, Adrien." Alya called. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Adrien waved. He took his seat in front of Marinette and Nino took a seat next to him.

Alya turned toward Marinette and gestured towards Adrien. "Help him out." she mouthed.

Marinette violently shook her head and as class started, Alya ripped out a piece of her notebook paper. She passed it to Marinette once she had written on it.

Give him a note or something.

Marinette shook her head and wrote back.

Marinette: I can't. Mm. Bustier would kill me if she found out I was passing notes.

Alya: So say everything you need to in one letter so he doesn't have to pass it back.

Marinette: I can't. What if I say the wrong thing? What if he thinks I'm a weirdo? WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT I AM STALKING HIM?

Alya: Calm down girl. Just write him a note asking if he's okay. Nothing can go wrong with that.

Alya had Marinette convinced. Marinette nodded and ripped out a piece of her own notebook paper. Hastily she scribbled the question on it and when Mm. Bustier was looking away, forced herself to drop it onto Adrien's lap. 

He looked at the little paper for a second, then picked it up and read it. He took out his pen and answered back, folding it up nicely and giving it back to Marinette. Their conversation went like this:

Hey, are you okay?

I'm fine, just had a little problem yesterday and this morning.

What happened?

Nothing, it's not that important.

Important enough to be upset about it.

Was I that obvious?

Yeah, a little. 

I guess it shook me up a little more than I expected.

I guess. What happened?

I was just disappointed. I thought something was going to happen when it really didn't.

Oh, that sucks. I'm sorry. Anything I can do to help?

Not that I can think of. Thanks though, Mari.

No problem.

Marinette found it so much easier to talk to him when she didn't have to use her voice. You can't stutter on paper. 

He kept the paper when they finished their conversation. When Mm. Bustier excused them to go to the library, Alya pounced on Marinette right away. 

"So, how'd it go?" she asked.

"He just had a little bit of a problem, that's all." Marinette answered, following Nino and Adrien to the library. 

So, this chapter didn't go the way I originally planned it to go.

But I like the way it turned out. 

Please leave comments about the story, how I can improve it and if you have any suggestions for future events, please tell me.

Thanks for all the support!

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