Chapter 11 -- Kisses and Cries

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**************************************Alya's POV***************************************

She screamed.

Her and Nino had been watching Adrienette sail from two couples away. A couple people heard her and looked her way, but most were too busy cheering for Marinette and Adrien. A goofy smile was plastered on his face and Mari looked as if she was somewhere happier than heaven.

"I told you!" said Alya, looking at Nino who was shaking with laughter. "I told you they liked each other. I totally called it!"

In the excitement of the night, Alya was able to catch Chloe storming off in what looked like tears. Soon, Marinette and Adrien had disappeared and left Alya standing on her tiptoes searching for them. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nino looking at her. The next minute, she was blushing; Nino had just kissed her on the cheek. She turned towards him and looked at him.

"Punch?" he asked, smiling and holding up the cups. She grabbed his suit and kissed him, long and hard. Luckily, the punch dropped from his hands off to the side and not down Alya's front. 

She broke the kiss and shook her head. "I cannot believe you, Nino."

"What? You were the one who kissed me." Nino laughed. He put his arm around Alya's waist. "Let's go get some more punch."

**************************************Adrien's POV*************************************

As soon as everyone had cleared off, Adrien took Marinette to an empty part of the park. "How has your night been, my little princess?" he asked as she kicked off her flats.

"Why, positively lovely, my prince." Marinette smile and put her arms on his shoulders.

"Oh, quite the flirty one, aren't we?" Adrien put his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug as Marinette giggled. They danced to the whistle of the wind and the faint music in the background, Marinette standing on his feet. After a moment, Adrien pulled back slightly and cupped her chin. He saw Marinette smile and he said, "Marinette, you are beautiful." And he kissed her again. He felt so lucky; he had gotten a girl who was so genuine and kind. Passionate and loving. Beautiful inside and out. 

They kissed gently at first, then pressed harder as the moment grew. Adrien put one hand in her hair and one on her back. Marinette had one hand on his chest and the other on his neck. He broke the kiss, kissing her cheek and pressing his to hers. Marinette kissed his cheek in return which made Adrien smile. What did he do to deserve this?

Then, there were screams. Adrien and Marinette looked towards the source. They started running towards the party which had turned into chaotic grounds.

"All of you, shut your mouths!" yelled an unidentified voice. Adrien turned to make sure Marinette was next to him. He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. They entered the battleground to discover the man holding some people captive.

"Now, we wait until your superheroes come to save you. No one moves!" Adrien caught a glimpse of the bad guy and froze. It was...


Adrien looked around. There were too many people around, he couldn't transform without someone seeing him. He was just considering risking it, when he noticed something very very wrong.

Where was Marinette?

He turned on his heels, and looked desperately for his girl. Where was she, where was she? 

"Ha!" Hawkmoth laughed. "Trying to escape now, are we?" 

Adrien turned around to see the villain holding Marinette by the arm. Adrien glared. He was about to transform when Hawkmoth continued.

"Maybe...maybe taking someone will drag Ladybug, Chat Noir and their new team out from hiding. I think she will suffice."

No, no. Adrien balled his fists in anger. They weren't going to take Marinette from him. "Plagg, claws out!"

***********************************Chat Noir's POV*************************************

"Hawkmoth!" he shouted. Hawkmoth saw him and laughed. "Aw, it's the little black cat. Where's your partners in crime?"

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to deal with me for now." Chat growled.

Hawkmoth laughed and disappeared, only to reappear a few yards away on the nearest building, still holding Marinette.

"I'm afraid you'll have to catch me, little kitty." He disappeared again and reappeared on a different building. Marinette shouted, "Chat Noir, hurry!" Chat extended his baton and flew over to where Hawkmoth was, only to see him disappear a split second before Chat got there. Chat looked wildly around. Where was Ladybug? 

Hawkmoth was on the building to Chat Noir's left. Chat aimed for him and extended his baton. 

The chase continued until finally, Rena Rouge and Queen B showed up. "Sorry we took so long." Rena said, pulling out her flute.

Hawkmoth laughed his evil laugh ( I'm too lazy to actually type it out ) and said, "Why, where's Ladybug. She was invited too, wasn't she?"

Chat glared like death at his enemy.

"Well, until she decides to join you, I'll be planning my next attack. And it'll start with this young girl right here. She's precious to you, isn't she, Chat Noir? If you don't cooperate in ten days. You won't see your precious Marinette anymore. Won't that be a tragedy?"

"SHUT UP!" Chat screamed and he swung his baton around towards Hawkmoth's head. Hawkmoth disappeared from in front of him. Chat looked around to find the coward, but didn't see him. 

All his frustration bursted. He got his dream and got it taken away in one night. He fell down onto his knees. "No." he whispered to himself, seeing his own tear fall onto the black pavement. He raised his head to the sky. The stars were twinkling. How could they shine when his star had just been taken away. Why were they there when she wasn't? He screamed louder than he ever had before. His princess, his Mari had been taken. His voice cracked then faltered.

He missed her.

He missed her more than anything else in the world.

Why did she have to be taken?

Why her? 

Guys, I typed 1000 words exactly.

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