Tagged 😉

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I have been tagged by the amazing KOTLC fan: FitzroyVacker
(Go check her out if you haven't 🙃)

1. I have this MAJOR obsession over rap and NF

2. I am a NOT normal teenage girl

3. I am strong willed on what I believe

4. I say "Dang Nugget", because my one friend says "Darn Nugget".

5. I am very proud of my height

6. I am 70% German

7. I have VERY pale skin and I can't seem to get tan

8. I am loyal to my ships and my friends

9. I have a major problem on disliking Linh Song from KOTLC

10. I am concerned if I have OCD.

11. I am in 8th grade, but I have subjects in 9th

12. I love inside jokes and puns

Now I shall tag a few people.

ilovepercy2 - YOU HAVE TO DO IT
ncc628 - ha ha
a_graceful_soul - since you love SOPHITZ just as crazy as I do...

I'm really lazy with tagging so I don't feel like doing more, sorry 😅🤣

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