Tagged ;)

38 4 10

I was tagged by Hiccstridbomb

(Well-- kinda. It was whoever read his tag then you have to do it as well... So here I am.)

Qu. 1 Middle name

I think this is like the fourth time or so to write it if I did, so I won't. You guys will have to guess.

Qu. 2 Age

14 yo. Finally caught up with my friends, haha!

Qu. 3 Birthday

4-21-04 (I'm a young, crazy, soul.)

Qu. 4 Zodiac sign

Taurus. Although I know my Zodiac and like to read Zodiac books, THEY ARE RARELY TO NEVER ACCURATE. And I don't believe in it anyway, lol

Qu. 5 Fave color

*Looks at my room and everything I own* MmMMMMMMmMmMMMmmmMm probably orange.

Qu. 6 Lucky number

Don't believe in luck, but I do like the number 3 or 8 or 21.

Qu. 7 Pets

Two cats! I love them sooo much. Their names are Dakota & Whitetail, they are identical brothers. There are slight differences, however, like Whitetail has a white tip.

Qu. 8 Where am I from

I was born in Quarryville, PA but I lived in Millersville for a long time (Lancaster County). I don't live in Pennsylvania anymore, however, sorry to break your hearts stalkers.

Qu. 9 Height

5' 11" SO WHOPPING CLOSE TO 6' 0"!!

Qu. 10 Shoe size

10 in women's.

Qu. 11 How many shoes do I own

Idk. Let me go count.


1 pair of blue crocs

1 pair of flip flops

2 pairs of extremely worn out sneakers

1 pair of ugg boots

1 pair of black hightop converse (my favorite)

1 pair tall brown boots

1 pair of 3-inch, ankle, high heel boots

1 pair of shortcut brownish boots

1 pair of snow boots

1 pair of rain boots

Qu. 12 Last dream about

I don't remember entirely, but I do remember my sister and I literally holding on to each other terrified as we ran across a bridge that was half under water whilst there were a GIANT catfish.

Qu. 13 Talents

Organizing, writing, sports/games, challenges, and baking. (Idk though, lolol)

Qu. 14 Psychic

Nope. You're lucky, too.

Qu. 15 Fave song


... Probably Grindin' by NF.

Qu. 16 Fave movies

PotC, National Treasure, Narnia, Greatest Showman, Princess Bride, & Tangled

Qu. 17 Who would be your ideal partner

Honestly? I'm 14 so I ain't thinking about that right now. (Or maybe I am. You'll never know.)

Qu. 18 Do you want children


...Maybe. I'd like to foster/adopt, but HAVING kids, idk man, idk.

Qu. 19 Do you want a church wedding?

Sure, I guess. I don't really care.

Qu. 20 Religious

Yes, I am a Christian.

Qu. 21 Ever been to a hospital

Well, to visit others yes, especially when my Mom was there when she had cancer, but not myself, no. (I've gone to the ER, though).

Qu. 22 Ever been in trouble with the law


Qu. 23 Ever met any celebrities

I've met Shannon Messenger but that's it, lol.


If you read this 'cause I'm lazy.

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