3 Part Tag (It's LIT)

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A/N I got tagged by three different people for the same type of tag.

BookWormElf2021 was one of them.

(You have to have LIT in the title)

So, for that matter, I will get right into it!

Rules for number one:

Answer the questions:

1. Nickname?

2. Eye color?

3. Hair color?

4. One fact about you?

5. Favorite color?

6. Favorite place?

7. Favorite celebrity?

8. Favorite animal?

9. Favorite song?

10. Favorite book?

Tag 5 people

Rules for number two:

Answer the questions:

1. Birthday?

2. Height?

3. Family?

4. Freckles

5. Favorite book?

6. When did you start reading KOTLC?

7. Favorite Bible verse?

Tag 5 people

Rules for number three:

Answer the questions:

1. Favorite food?

2. Brag about your siblings or parents

3. One fact about your family?

4. Ever gone on a roller coaster?

5. Ideal hair color?

6. Most recent book read?

Tag 10 people (I'm just going to do 15 in all)

Answers to number one:

Nickname: Lilbug is my most common one I guess

Eye color: Hazel/green- but it kinda changes

Hair color: Brown (not dark not light... Brown.)

One fact about you: I played soccer for 3 years

Favorite color: Orange, duh

Favorite place: To retreat from reality, my room.

Favorite celebrity: KRIS BRYANT!!!!! (LOOK HIM UPPPP) ...Or NF

Favorite animal: *Cough cough* Obvious *Cough* Horses (But I do love cats like a lot, as well)

Favorite song: Wayyyyyyyyyy too many to title my favorite. But I love NF's whole Perception album

Favorite book: Series, Keeper, but book? Hmm... Probably Little Women (I love the classic)

(I'll tag at the very end)

Answers to number two:

Birthday: April 21st (I said that in the last tag)

Height: IM NOT 5' 10" ANYMORE!!!!! I'm 5' 10" and a QUARTER (I was just measured today, actually.)

Family: Older brother, younger sister, and younger brother

Freckles: Kinda (They are very light and I don't have a lot, but yes I do have some.)

Favorite book: ^^^^

When did you start reading KOTLC: March of 2016, so almost 2 years ago

Favorite Bible verse: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future."

Answers to number three:

Favorite food: Cheesecake and chocolate and any type of pasta

Brag about your siblings or parents: My mom is a cancer survivor!

One fun fact about my family: All four of us kids were born in Pennsylvania

Ever gone on a roller coaster: HECK YEAH!!! I LOVE THEM

Ideal hair color: Natural red

Most recent book read: School For Good and Evil #4

Time to tag!

















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