First day at camp

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IMPORTANT READER IS GIRLY SO FUCK OFF WITH ANY (HATE) CLOTHES RELATED COMMENTS!!!! Side note: title from Cindy_the_smart_cat thanks alot!

hair from first pick,necklace from the 2nd pic,boots from the 3rd,and clothes from the 4th)
Don't were anything you don't want to don't comment things like I'm not wearing that mkay

3rd person pov

For some reason David wasn't here to introduce the new camper but Campbell was.
"David why the fuck is he here" Max said

"Well to greet the new cam-" Daivd said

"Yeah yeah I know that but you did that for everyone else what's so special about the new one" max ask getting annoyed

"Well something about her family is what I heard" Neil said

"Now Neil I'm sure Mr. Campbell was just..busy when you kids came!" David tried to explain

"Yeah right" Niel said

"Hey where did max go?" Nikki said

Max pov

I left and went to find out what so special about the new girl.

"What do you mean profit" I asked smirking
"I mean her family is loaded! Supposably their the perfect family no jail shit perfect in school no rule breaking,cus-" He looks down at me "shit"

"Sooo...I'm sure this kid will looove to hear this story"

"Ugh what do you want"


"Fine here..if you tell anyone this-"

"Yeah I know" I start counting the money

"Why are you still here" He said

"I still wanna see this "special" camper"

"Ugh kids"

"Your the one who opened the camp" I said rolling my eyes

"You little-" He said getting cutoff

"Kids here" Q.m said

A kinda tall girl with her (h/c) pulled up in a bun with a strand of hair out of it came off the bus with a (f/c) suit case and a black leather book.
"Hi I'm (Y/n)"
"Mr. Campbell and this max one of the campers!"

"Welcome to hell bitch" She looked like she was about to say something but pushed past me her eye slightly twitching while she moved into the camp

"Heh this will be fun" I say as I follow her

I hear Campbell say "that kids gonna ruin this"

Time skip cause im a lazy ass

Your pov

"(Y/n) we're so glad to have you with us! Some of our campers are
Harrison "Hello"*confetti* *you giggle a little and he blushes lightly* Neil "H-hey" Nikki "Nikki nice to meet you" and I'm sure you've meet max "Bitch" *flips you off*"

"Nice to meet you all" I say tense I'm not what people say I am I'm a over all bad kid sure I get straight A's and shit but I cuss, play alot pranks,and a bunch off other shit.

Time skip

I get really pissed off at max and almost walk out.

"Where's my tent" I say facing the door

"Oh of course you'll be with Nerris" David said happily

"Ok where's my tent" I said getting annoyed

"Oh follow me!" He said shaking his head saying 'that was dumb of me'

He takes me to my tent and I see who I assume is Nerris

*after the geek talk*

I unpack my stuff and go meet everyone else it's about noon by the time get done meets everyone and it's time for lunch so I head to the mess hall get my food

"Hey (y/n)" Nikki says "over here"

"*sigh* *walks over to table* yes *Nikki pulls you down*"

"There now that everyone's he-" Nikki started but max cut her off

"Since when is she apart of this thing"

"Since now so *plans for adventure*" Nikki started to plan

"*barely listening*"

"(Y/n) (y/n) (Y/N)" Nikki said

"WHAT" I scream

"Are you even listening"

"Yeah" I said

"Then what did I say?" Nikki said

"Something about some cave with something that's in there and you just know it" I said "Ya'know there's a cliff with a waterfall leading down could go there it's about 123 ft high...hey max wanna go"

"Someone have a crush" He says

"No i wanna push you off the fucking thing" I mumble

"What was that?" He said glaring at me

"Oh nothing~" I said innocently

"I thought you said you wanted to push him off the fucking thing Nikki said

"Fine you caught me" I put my hands in the air "so we going or not?"

"Let's do it!!" Nikki exclaims

"Yayyy" I say bored but excited to go

"Tomorrow is Saturday so freeday which means WATERFALL!!"


"Ok campers head to the fire for s'mores" Davidsaid everyone heading over to the fire

I walked over to the fire thing and sat a little father away near the water by a tree leaning against it

"Ya'know for someone so high class you have some pretty fucking short shorts on" max said jokingly

"Thanks dad" I say still looking up at the sky laughing under my breath

Max pov

I surprised by her she supposed to be so high class but she isn't... huh

"So why are you over here" She asked

"Cause I can" I say

"Whatever " She says moving a little closer to the water and sitting down. After a bit I sit down with her

She brings her knees up to her chest and looks at the water

"Have you ever felt alone even when your not" She looks away from me

"W-what?" I said confused shit I studdered

"Nothing...we should get back" She said hurriedly

She stands up and holds out her hand I look at it then her she smiles a little but you could tell it was fake I took her hand and we walked back to the fire a little before the fire she let go of my hand and sat down by Nikki and started talking and acting normally

What's going on with her?

Ugh me heart for reader anyway bye and hope you like da story!!!


This story is under editing so any places your confused at sorry!!

-has been edited

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now