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Y/n pov

I woke up the next day to see Max sitting on me (boom they madeout and loved each other)

Not for real

I woke up the next day to see Max sitting on me.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"I can see you know I turned you down right?"
"Yes but no"
" don't know what's going on here"
"And what is going on"
"Well it's starts with the camp going into town then you Nikki, Neil, and David are going on some adventure"
"And when did I agree to this"
"You didn't"
"Then why should I agree"
"Because why"
"Remember when FLASH BACK"

I was walking around the camp when David asked who wanted to go with him to do something of course no one raised their hand
"Y-n what about you?"
"Well...I mean...just"
"She has plans"
"We have plans"
He grabs my hand and pulls me away

"You owe me one"
"Damn it" I say under my breath "Fine" I say normally
"Great" He gets off me
This will be a long ass day


We get on the bus and David wanted me to sit with him rolling my eyes I sat down
"Let's get this shit over with"
"Oh Y-n be happy it's your bir- date of birth"
"Yeah nothing special"
"Aww no I had the best time when I had birthdays playing with your friends-"
"Don't need friends"
"Having everything revolving around you"
"Useless your just teaching kids that they are more special than what they are"
"You know what presents are right?"
"Uh kinda"
"I got a black leather jornal from my aunt before but that's it everything else I worked for"
"You've never had a present?"
"Besides that no"
He stays quiet the rest of the ride which I was ok with

A few minutes later

We came into to town and everyone spread out I had brought some cash so I figured I'd get something. I went into one of the stores and there wasn't really anything worth getting I mean some stuff a fine but I didn't really care I went to the next store and found Nerris
"Hey Nerris"
"Hello fair maiden"
"Whach'a do'n"
"O-oh nothing!"
Well she was in a hurry I look around and spotted a little figurine of (favorite anime character) I kinda HAD to get it. I bought the figurine and went to the bus. I stopped at the bus and waited for the other campers after awhile I noticed all the campers where circled up I tuned in to their conversation
"So max we told you what we got what did you get?"
"I got her a (favorite Fandom,band,whatever to be known as fbw) shirt"
"Really does she like fbw?"
"Loves it"
"That it because some of us got two"
"Uh..yeah that's it"
"You seem unsure"
"Let's just get on the bus"

Later after the adventure

Max pov

Everything was set up we had food,drinks,dancing,things like that. I was about to see where Y/n was when David came running up to me
"Y/n is right behind me is everything ready?"
"Yeah we're go-"
Aww you guys you shouldn't have"
"It was nothing"
"No you really shouldn't have I don't know what a birthday is"
"'" I walk up to her and whisper
"Ya'know how you are always being forced to go to those fancy party's" She nods her head 'yes' "Well it's kinda like that but you have fun!"
I nod
"Huh ok let's do it!    So David what do we do?"
"Yes well you kids will run around and then we will eat and open presents!"

I run around a little with Nikki,Neil,and Y/n. After awhile Y-n left going down near the lake sitting by a tree. I decided to follow her
"Hey Y/n"
"Hey max!"
"You liking your party so far?"
"..I'm glad"
"Heh...I'm heard you planed it"
"Is it just to make up for reading my dairy?"
"Why would you think that?"
"No one would do something like that?" She looks out onto the lake the moon reflecting on her e/c's
"Well unless someone had a reason like that they wouldn't do this for me..."
"I would"

Y/n pov

"I would"
"What?" I said surprised
"*small sigh* look Y/n you may not know but I do you"
He looks away from me and towards the lake
"And I'm not just saying that the first time I saw you I got this werid tight feeling in my stomach and couldn't get rid of it...I know I should feel bad for reading your dairy and I am but,it's just I'm kinda glad I did I know what's going through your mind what's happening in your life and I can try to help"
"It's ok I know you can't trust me and don't feel the same just know it's not that I didn't want to get hurt it's that I didn't know if you would except me I'm an ass,I can't do anything right,I push the only people that give a fuck about me away if they even really do at all,i-"
"That's enough max your a great guy you don't need to beat yourself up about everything it's fine" I hug him slightly
"No one cares so why do you?"
"No one else cares y/n so why do you so much?"
"Because I l-"
"We should go"
He turns around smiling like nothing ever happened
"Come on its your party"
"Haha let's go ya werido"

We eat and we eat cake then people take turns giving me gifts I loved all of them it was great even Nerf got me something last but not least max gave me his gift. It was a fbw shirt and I loved it even had my favorite character on the front!
"Aww thanks max!"
I swear I saw him blush a little but
"It's not like I care but David said I had to so.."
"Suuuuuure" I gave a small laugh and smile "Thanks you guys this has been great"
"Well now it's time to go to bed campers come on!" David takes everyone to their tent except max who starts to help me clean up the mess of wrapping paper and whatever else is on the floor.
When we where done
"Thanks for helping out max!"
"Yeah..umm I actually have one last thing to give you"
"What is it?" I asked there couldn't possibly be more
"Here" He gave me a f/c box that was really small with a red bow,
And a small ring type case that was black.
"Im going to go to bed night"
"Hey max?"
I give him a kiss on the cheek thanks for an awesome day I owe you one"

Max pov

"Hey max?"
She kisses me on my cheek

That moment replays in my head for the whole night. Again and again and again and again and again. Intill I fall asleep with a smile on my face

Y/n pov

I walked to the dock and sat down first I open the f/n box
It had a bracelet with a small gold heart and it was aqua around  (Ya'know as the actual part of a bracelet) 
"That's cute!"
I open the small black box. I see a ring and a note inside. I take out the note and read it

Y/n I know your upset with me and I get that but I'm sorry really. I want to make it up to you...if you don't think it's to werid I want you to have this ring it's something for you to know no matter what I'll love you and that I don't want to forget about you or you to forget about me so...if you don't want to accept my apologie throw the ring at me (or keep it and tell me I fucking suck) or keep the ring and meet me in the woods at 3:00 tomorrow talk to Nikki and she'll take you where you need to go thanks!

...this is adorable.
I smile and put everything back in the boxes and go to sleep

Ok so I'm going to put off the ep chapter just one more chapter so I can and this but parents day won but I am going to do both the woods scout ep and parents day but idk which to do first it would make since to make it wood scout ep then parents day ep but then again more people wanted parents idk I'll probably just be like pick 1 or 2 to me sister or something...anyway I'm sooooo sorry but just had the cutest idea for the little wood meet up and how this is going to play out so...yeahhhhhhh sorrrrrrryyyyyyy bye 

(Around 1400 words! So proud of myself!!)

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now