Parents day part 4 *feels warning*

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for real though hope you enjoy it and don't cry ;-; cause I did just writing it then again reading over it...

3rd person pov

They set everything up and are waiting for all the kids to get ready and Mr.Campbell introduced the show

"Boy have we had some fun! But sadly it's time we ended parents day by showing you what all the kids have learned here at camp Campbell to a degree that will surely legitimize the lagitimes of this camp! Let's start with magic boy!"

He throws Harrison out onto the stage

"Uhh ok come on up mom and dad and watch as I saw one of you in half!" Harrison said eagerly

"OH GOD PLEASE NO!!" His dad begged as his mom screamed

"Davey you've never let me down as far as I can remember and I know you never would which is why I need you to make sure every snot nosed kid whatever it is their parents signed them up for! It's either that or I'm heading to super gwantonamo" Campbell said picking up David my the collar

"I've never heard of SUPER gwantonamo" Gwen said

"Consider yourself lucky" Campbell said in a threatening tone
He walks off dropping daivd and he *daivd* does the came dìem hand thing

"Ok family you head the man we've got to show off whatever max was..say what are you signed up for anyway max?" Daivd said

"It doesn't matter because there's no way the other losers won't blow this up first!" Max said

Gwen goes off to find maxes papers and max goes of to find y/n

Y/n pov

"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god! Campbell has me down for dance what are my parents gonna do when the find out! I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead!" I said pacing

"Need some help?" I hear max say

"Oh God yes do you have a plan?"

"Of course I do!" Max said rolling his eyes "Let's go"

We sneak around to the backside of my "parents" *definitely not a robot* and max starts fiddling with the wires "go check and see if it's still on!" Max whispered I walk over to the side and see a light Illuminating off the screen.

I come back and nod yes as in its still on. He fiddled some more and sent me back I see a black screen I quickly grab max pulling him back stage.

I give him a high five "You did it!" I told him he smirks "of course I did your up go!" He said going off the stage and to the front row

"Hello everybody! I'm y/n l/n! I'm going to be dancing to training wheels! Hope you enjoy!!" I say pumped

Here's lyrics

She sings it to btw!

Riding down, riding down
My hand on your seat, the whole way round
I carry band-aids on me now
For when your soft hands hit the jagged ground
Wheels aren't even touching the ground
Scared to take them off, but their so worn down
Promise I won't push you down straight to the dirt
If you promise you'll take them off,first

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

I love everything everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

Letting go,letting go
Telling you things you already know

I explode,I explode
Asking where you want us to go
You've been riding two-wheeler all your life
It's not like I'm asking to be your wife
I wanna make you mine,but that's hard to say
Is this coming off in a chessy way?

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

I start to hum the music *cause there's so lyrics duh*

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

As I end I see everything on their feet clapping..and max *the loudest of all of them* smirking that smirk I love so much!

Max pov

I run backstage and see y/n she quickly hugs me and says a small thanks barely audible.

She pulls me over to daivd for my "show" I tried to get her to leave but she wouldn't buge she wanted to know what I was signed up for first..shit

"Daivd I found maxes papers" Gwen said shit shit shit she can't know
"HAHAHAHA Y-Y/N GO SIT WE'LL BE OUT THERE SOON!!" I scream trying to be louder than them

She pushes past me SHIT

Y/n pov

I push passed max and look confused at David he seems at a loss for words. I reach for maxes papers but I feel his hand holding back mine

"Y-y/n i-i-i-"
"Come on max I'll help you it can't be that-" I grab the papers and look at them "em..barra..ssing" I look up to see him crying

"I..I told you. They didn't care" He looks at daivd "just make something up so we can get this over with" He walks away

"Max!" Me and daivd say at the same time. We look at each other. he buried his head into his knees hiding his face but you can tell he's crying by his jeans slowly going darker at the knees.

"He's NOT going out there" I say running over to him hugging him as tight as I can.

Daivd pov

I turn to Gwen

"Shes right..he shouldn't go out there..."
"Well what do you suggest?" She asked me
"Order a pizza for those to Max seems to be feeling better just with y/n hugging him so let's leave them alone for a while" I say
She nods and runs off

When I turn back max and y/n are gone
I go looking for them and find them by the docks I stare for a minute then go back to could I have not notice before?

So next chapter will be a lot happier this ends the parents day tho but next chapter is what happens AFTER parents day at the dock!
Hope you liked it!

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