Parents day *for real* part 1

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FIRST I'm sorry for last chapter I REALLY REALLY have been trying to update but it's not working out as planed so I'm gonna delete last chapter annnndddd yeah hope you enjoy!!

Y/n pov

I walk out of my tent ready for this "parents day" thing honestly my parents aren't gonna give a shit about this and will probably be a robot with a screen!...pffttt no. Maybe.please dont! By the time I finished my little rant I came to a little group of the campers and counselors.

"Cant you believe it kids today's the day!" David said as happy as EVER
"CHRIIIIISSSSTTTTTMMMMAAAASSSS" Nikki said stars in her eyes and doing jaz hands
"What NO Nikki it's parents day" David said
"Also it's SUMMER" I said
"None the less we put of fryers this time and everything!" Gwen said a flyer falling down
"Oh why did I think it was Christmas" Nikki said confused
"Sooo wait our parents are showing up here. TODAY" Neil said
"You betcha! We'll be able to show off everything you've learned so far this summer and EVEN take part in some fun activities together as a family how fun is THAT!"
"That is extremely dependent of which one of my parents show up" Neil said
"Well you losers enjoy your family bonding cause there's no way my folks are comin. Guess I get to kick back and relax maybe I'll just order a pizza."
"Fuck no if I have to suffer you do to Max!" I said he looks at me
"Damn no need for fire *fire in your eyes REFERENCES BITCH*"
"SANTAA" space kid said
"Mr. Campbell your back!"
"Back? Well I've been here the hole time daivey!"   A-n This has only been 1 minute in and I have been here for like 10
"But you went to Russia" Gwen said
"THE.HOLE.TIME." Campbell said
"Well that's perfect because your just in time for parents day!" David said
"In time for what now"
"Parents daay" David said like it was obvious " We'll get to show off everythi-"
"THERE CANT BE A PARENTS DAY because if there's a parents day all the parents will figure out they didn't send their kid to whatever stupid camp they thought they sent their kid to!" Campbell said pissed and through gritted teeth shaking David
"Oh" David said kinda scared
"Davey for the sake of camp Campbell you have got to cancel parents day this instant!"
"Parents are here"
They all just stare horrified at the bus

*theme song*

All the parents fan out of the bus and to their kids just when I think my parents aren't going to be here. A ACTUAL FUCKING ROBOT THE LIVE VIDEO OF MY PARENTS COME OFF THE BUS!!
"WOOW y/n your a robot!" Nikki says
"No!" I go over to my parents
"Heyy..puummkkkiiinnn" my dad says max *who followed me over here* raised a eyebrow
"The fuck is your parents a robot?" He said
"Is this the type of thing we sent you here for!" My dad yells
"He doesn't look interested in business camp!" Mom buts in
"Business aren't you here for dan-" I throw my hand over his mouth
"Actually camp Campbell covers many different camps for different types of people!" I said. He licks my hand "That won't work!" I yelled at him " umm mom dad why don't you follow David to the mess hall. DAVID!" David takes them to the mess hall

"Ok ok look I changed my camp before turning it in so I could do what I wanted please please don't mention it to my parents please max!"
"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I hug him and kiss my on the cheek "my parents would kill me if they found out now come on!"

Max pov

I touch my cheek and smirk. DAMN IT I'M BLUSHING! UGH..this will be interesting..

I follow y/n heading to the mess hall we hear Campbell ranting
"Who's bright idea was it together a parents day!"
"Who do you think!" Gwen said pointing at David
"Well everything seems to be going swell so far! Don'tch'a think?"

3rd person

"And this is where we took of the camp for a while and had a huge party! Preston threw up alot..I got cool sun glasses!" Nikki said
"Nickolet I thought we signed you up for those flower girls" Her mom said
"No mom that was last year. Remember!?! I got run out by all those mean girls it was kinda TRAUMATIC for meee" Nikki said
"Oh sweet heart you know I can't keep up with all your silly little adventures!" She said patting Nikki's head
"What? I thought it'd be fun! Look were twins! Ehhh? Which ones the real neil! Huh. Huh." His dad said
"Oh why couldn't mom of come today instead!"
"Oh come on Neil! It's just us guys. Hanging out. Be duuudes. We could really get rowdy. Ehhh."
"Dad can you please stop trying to connect with me and let me suffer through my poor excuse of a science camp!" Neil said
"Well if your not enjoying yourself. I've still got a couple dozen spots left in my summer sockerties seminar!"
"DAD! Dad I will consider today a win if you promise not to bring up sockerties again!" Neil said
"Well I'm a professor of philosophy neil! It's not like I can just-"
"DON'T say that out loud it's embarrassing!"
"Whatever you say duude"
"HAIIIA" Nikki kicks Neil's dad in the back
"Nickolet I did not shoot you out of my front but just for you to go around kickin stranger's. Please accept my apologies and don't sue us!" Nikki's mom said
"Oh it's no problem I have health insurance after all hahaha!"
"Yooouu do. Well that make one of us the names candy"
"O-oh name c-c-carl heh" Neil's dad said blushing
"Heeeeeeyyy you and your dad look the same!"
"Take it back" Neil said horrified

1034 words and only 3 minutes 51 seconds into the ep! Funnnnn right? I going for 2000 next chapter of you like it byyee

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