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It may not be the best but it's one of the best faded wasn't my first choice either as a song anyway story time!

Y/n pov

The dance area looked amazing it had everything I needed and great equipment! Then it hit me I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SONG I WAS GOING TO DO OR HOW TO DANCE BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WHICH SONG IT WAS GOING TO BE!!!

David pov

I was so excited to see y/n! I've seen her sing she's amazing so of she's not good at dance at lest the singing will be! I'm sure she amazing though! I started to set up the song for her while Gwen got all the campers ready y/n was practicing the dance, our plan was let her do a song to get the campers riled up and then they would take a go at the next song but,they could join in on the first if wanted! I'm so excited!!

Y/n pov


Max pov

WHAT why are you here I'm fine and I don't care about this go back to Y/n she's freaking out! MAX STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!! AND YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT Y/N FREAKING OUT!!! Your very annoying FUCKING READ YOUR SCRIPT!! Ugh fine...bitch

I started walking to the dance stage thing to see y/n dancing she's Hella flexible wow...* violently shakes head* Ugh fucking hell stop thinking wrong stupid mind...
"O-oh H-hey maaaaxxx...how long have you been here??"
"Like..5 MINUTES!I spaced out heh..."
"Thank god"
"Ohhhh okayyyy...umm..your a...your a great dancer by the way *mumbles* didn't think someone could be that flexible"
"W-what!" Her face went red
"Uhhh...you heard that"
"Yeah your like 3 feet away from the stage"
"I'm gonna practice" She stands up and starts again I walk out still blushing
"Oooo what happened in there" Nikki asks
"Why are you blushing then?" Neil asked
"I-" Nikki interrupts me by saying
"Have you seen that girl dance she...can do..things it's unnatural"
"What do you mean " Neil asked still confused
"She..extremely flexible-"
"And with maxes dirty mind*disappointed sigh* really max" Neil said
"At least he didn't get a boner unless she helped you with that*wiggles eyebrows*"
"NIKKI WE ARE STILL KIDS!!" Neil screams
"Yes buuut it's 2017 magical" She does some werid hand motion
"What does that have to do with it"
"Most kids are in a relationship and making out is happening by age 10 so that puts sex at around 13/14 Annnd max is 12 almost 13"
"Nikki why" I say
"Because I can"
We all stand around and wait for her to come out..she comes out from behind the curtain and says
"Ok so for the first song I'm going to dance to faded to.."hipe" you up? I think I don't know join in if you want."

*dances dance above*
*starts different one*

"I told you she was flexible" Nikki says to Neil
(Picture unnatural flexibility{not dirty})

Y/n pov

I was dancing trying NOT to mess up I over course didn't do everything perfect but I think I did pretty well. I saw basically every boy camper amazed and girls well amazed but not as much...max was just staring with no reaction intill I started the second song which is when most started to react but..still I don't know why I got happy when max had to look away every once and awhile and then look back and do it again..either way I finished the second song...
"ALRIGHT does anyone want to try a song?"
A few people raised their hands I pulled them up stage
"So what so we doing?"
*after a few more songs*
Everyone except max ended up dancing with me! I was glad people took an interest in dancing! After everyone did a dance I went over to the group
"Wait it's over that quick?" Max questioned
"No its just about time we took a break"

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now