Parents day part 2

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Y/n Pov

"Huh?..that's gonna be a catastrophe. You see this is why I'm grateful my parents don't show up to shit like this" max said
"Now now just because their late doesn't mean their not coming right Mr. Campbell!" David said
"Shut up Davey!"
"Mr. Campbell" Said one of the agents
"Allow me to explain myself I'm agent Miller and this is my partner agent Miller" said the other agent
I look over to see my mom blushing
"Mom?" I said
"Shhhhh" She said

"Gentlemen what brings you guys to this totally legitimate summer camp!" Campbell said
"Why..our precious daughter Meredith of course!"
"I saaid call me ered" is that how you spell her name??
"Oh! So you to are.." Campbell said
"My cool gay dads" ered says they do some werid hand motion thing "aww yeahhh"

"The fuck?" I mumble
"Oh thank God your just gay!" Campbell said
"But allow me to congratulate you on your return to United States soil Mr. Campbell! We're not sure how you came into position of such vital Russian intelligence but your country thanks you." Agent Miller said
"Well I-" Campbell said
"OF course now that your back in the good old U.S of A you'll be that much easier to monitor. Your not outta the woods yet Mr. Campbell we're watching you for any funny business." Agent Miller says Campbell laughs nervously
"Well if you SEE any funny business be sure to point it out because I would be alarmed if you found any-" Campbell is cut of by someone saying

"HEY THERE'S SOME FUNNY BUSINESS OVER HERE! I signed my boy up for behavioral correction camp NOT paints and crafts or whatever this queer shit is"
"Mom your being politically insensitive!" Nerf said
"Sorry queer stuff"
"I mean..I guess that's better"
"Well you see miss Nerfington we-" David tries to explain
"Yeah where's all the larping?" Nerris's dad askes
"And who are all these children" Harrison's mom askes

Suddenly all the parents start circling Campbell asking questions.
"They have a point where IS the larping?" Qm askes
"Well I'd say it was a good run but-" Gwen says trying to leave but Campbell pulls her back
"Settle down now kids err parents? Heh you haven't been tricked or swindled camp Campbell covers ALL of the wonderful camps you signed your child up for we even have a song about" David pulls out his guitar "which you can hear at another time"

viewers: BISH OHHHH THERE'S A PLACE *Rest of theme song*

"But what makes this camp so special is it has the heart and ambition while still providing the individual attention that each child deserves wether it be nerd came for..Neeiill? Or adventure camp for..GIRL Neil! AND if MY words aren't enough to convince you then I'll PROVE IT!"

*do you smell that?? That's BULLSHHHHIIITTTT*

"Good because your going to have to or we're taking you in" the agent says
"Riiggghhhtt..SO everyone outside it's time to show off some Campbell camptivitie!" Everyone starts to head out side besides max
"Haaaavvvvveeee fffuuunn" max says I look to make sure my parents our outside and say
"Mother FUCKER I have to suffer through this shit and that means you do to!!" I say my grip on his wrist getting tighter by the second
"And to whom am  supposed to do this parents day with my parents didn't come remember?" Max said he looked kinda upset
"Well this parents day need to go off without a hitch that means good times and happy FAMILIES!" Campbell says picking Max up by the hoodie and putting him by David and Gwen
"WHAT!!?!!" Max screams
"Intill this one's ACTUAL parents get her your going to be the model perfect family GOT IT!" Campbell says. David has stars in his eyes
"We're going to have so much" David said pulling Gwen and max in for a hug

Nerris pov

"It's umm..nice..Nerris I'm just concerned it's not very safe" Mom said
"Well when danger lurks around every corner a mage has no time for safety. Isn't that right elder one?" I say
"Right Nerris" my dad/the elder one said as my mom crosses her arms
" listen to your mother" He says
"Everyone having fun?" Campbell says
"Welllll-" I say
"GOOD camp'e dēim" He says

I look over and see y/n with her mom it seems like their fighting I wonder about what?

Y/n pov

I run out to my mom
"Hey where's dad?"
"He had a meeting to get to. And you" She looks to see if anyone's around "you have no right to ask such things we've been over this"
"S-sorry guess I forgot"
"You. What?"
"Your lucky your on the other side of the screen right now you little shit!" She whisper yells "this WILL be remembered!"
"Yes ma'am"
She continues to "yell" at me through the gritted teeth intill she tells me to get out of her sight ughh this is just fan fucking tastic

Max pov

I try to light a match to set fire to space kids "rocket" when I notice I haven't seen anyone else with fish bowls of their head
"So space kid I haven't seen any adults walking around with fish bowls on their heads so where's your parents?"
"Oh my parents couldn't make it"
"Or really that sucks"
"Yeahh but, my uncle came instead he's the coolest guy in the galaxy"
"Oh really?" I throw the matches
"Yep hey ya think you can hand me that monkey wrench?" I kick the towel paper things and make the rocket fall on him and walk away.

I bumped into David's legs tall fuck
"Maxx me and your mother are very disappointed in your actions don't make us ground you"
"Ok your definitely taking this dumb parenting role way to seriously am I right Gwen?"
"Nah for real max look at what you did to space kid"
I look over at space kid and see some guy helping him up David and Gwen go over to him and I see y/n walking away. I catch up to her and see...


For real though you should have seen it coming anyway I got over 1000 but not 2000 like I wanted but mehhhhh I don't care another chapter out for all you lovely people that waited Oh so patiently not one update please comment! I'm very proud of that and the community we have with people joking around in the comments! Anyway school is getting out of break in a few days for me so I'm gonna be a little late on some chapters but every week will be a new chapter 😊 Hope you liked it see you next chapter!!

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