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Max pov

UGH MOTHER FUCKER!! Stupid heart!!! Why did I like HER-WHAT NO I DON'T LIKE HER SHE'S JUST A..JUST UGH- My thoughts get interrupted by Neil.

"Hey you ok you look trauma..tized...Damn" Neil said

"aww Neil thanks" (Y/N) said

"Haha you like (Y/N)" Nikki laughs "and is max...blushing??" She gasped "you..." She giggles "do you-"


"REVEALING" Neil screams cutting me off and looking away

"awe come on it doesn't show anything but a my stomach,legs,and arms" She said rolling her eyes like she's talking to her dad

"Whatever let's just go to this fucking waterfall already" I say

Time skip

Nikki pestsers me about liking (Y/n) I of course denied it. I refuse to believe I would like a bitch like that. Who would? But I was upset when she was talking with Preston and got mad at Neil for looking at her like that....did I like (y/n)...NAH IMPOSSIBLE THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I LIKE HER!

I look to see (y/n) running to a cliffs edge. She stops looks down
"WE'RE HERE" She screams. She is jumping slightly as everyone walks up to the waterfall "So who's going first?"

"MEEEEE!" Nikki screamed running to the the side of the waterfall being stopped by (Y/n)

"Pay attention when running" Nikki looks down "Oh shit thanks man" Nikki says realizing she almost fell to her doom. She moves over to where the actual waterfall is

"Are you sure it's safe?" Neil asked

"As long as you land in the water yes. I checked it out the yesterday to make sure"

"I-i don't know"

"Come on ya big baby" Nikki says pulling Neil's hand with her to the edge

"wait WHAT!!" They jump off Neil screaming in fear and Nikki in happiness

"Your turn!" "She turns to me

"What NO you go"

"How do I know you'll jump"

" How do I know if you'll jump" I snap back at her.

"Hmmm...only one way"

"Oh? And what's tha-" She grabs my hand and jumps draging me with her "WHOOOO!!" She screams

"I CAN'T SWIM!" I scream

"WHA-!!" She tried to say something but hit the water letting go of my hand.

Y/n pov

I hit the water the force making me let go of Max's hand. I swim to the surface hoping he was lieing. I get on land

"Where's max?" Nikki asked a couple seconds after I come up looking out onto the water

"Yeah didn't he come down with you" Neil asked I wait a second looking at the water

"SHIT HE WASN'T KINDDING!!" I jumped into the water and look for him. The water was to dark to see so I felt around it took what was probably 2 minutes and one surface break for air before I found him there must have been a log or something he hit his head on because he was unconscious.

I drag him up and tell them "GET DAVID SOMEONE I DON'T CARE WHO" They ran off to get help and I started on CPR I had to learn it because of my parents. I press on his chest a few times. And nothing really happened. So I tilt his head back slightly pinch his nose and take to small breaths. I make sure he exhales and see if his breathing nothing I repeat this a few more times and I feel his warm breath on my cheek. I sigh in relief and lay my head on his chest

"So he's not dead?" My head shoots up to see Nikki confused but smirking. I shake my head saying a small no David walks over away from LITTERLY THE WHOLE FUCKING CAMP

"I didn't know you knew CPR"

"Heh my mom forced me to learn it..I guess I needed it" I smile down a max seeing him breathing

"We should probably get back to camp" I say picking him up and heading towards camp luckily he's no that heavy. I find the infirmary and sit him down on a bed. I wait for a bit then realized I'm soaking wet and just staring at him waiting for him to wake up I sit on the edge of the bed

"Why did I do this why didn't he tell me he couldn't swim... ugh I should have keept my fucking mouth shut FUCKING IDIOT"

"Hey you just wanted to have some fun so dont beat yourself up"

"Fuck off David" He frowns and I look at max.

"I'm going to bring you some food assuming you want to stay here?" I nod and mumble a thanks he nods and walks out. I let tears stroll down my face "I'm sorry max"

I'm sorry but if you want to know what happens you can't kill me so kill me if you want but live in suspense!

-has been edited

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now