Parents day part 3!

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Quick announcement! Sadly this book will be ending soon ;-; I cry thinking about it...

    ANYWAY I'm wanting to do a book two of this that has slow updates (because I have a book *still max x reader* that is going to be a little more you guy's style) so thoughts? Also school has been killing me soooo..I couldn't update as soon as I wanted but hey its better than a year later right? So yeah comment your thoughts on book two of this with slow updates. I want to give this book a name to so ideas on that as well

*side note: 3 text books 2 essays 5 assignments and 1 project that I've basically done all the work for 5 different people excluding me!

On to the story!

Max pov

And see...

Her eyes red and puffy. She's probably been crying

"What do you want max"
"..are you ok"
"Pft..come here" I sit down next to her and hold her
"I'll be ok Y/n"
"..." She says nothing

We stay like that a few minutes before she says
"My dad had a meeting and my mom called me a few things...I guess I stopped being used to it and broke down.."
"It's ok I'm here" I say holding her a little tighter

I realize what I just said and push her off blushing
"Hehe your blushing"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you areeee~" She said
"Shu-shut up!"
"Aww but your cute this way" She says booping my nose. I wrap my arms around her our faces inches apart. After a few seconds she looks away laughing a little
"Now who's blushing?" I say and she pushes me away laughing
"Come on" We both head back to where everyone is

You thought they where gonna kiss (¬‿¬) maybe later on..


We headed back to the camp and we where told to head to the mess hall there we had family dinner. I'll skip the murmurs of threats my mom gave me.

3rd person

"Dinners served" Q.m said
"Excuse me bub but your gross spoon hand just fell into my food!"
"Hmm-mm" Q.m said before walking off
"HEY GET BACK HERE" Nerfs mom said
"MOM violence isn't always the answer! Your gonna get yourself caught in a endless loop of bad decisions that will lead to your incarnation!" Nerf said
"Alright! Alright. Gaylord sweetie will you cut my food for me I'm not allowed near knifes" his mom said kinda sad

"MR.CAMPBELL" Mr. miller said
"Oh for the love of.. YESSS why it's the Miller's I hope the quién is up to your liking! The mashed potatoes is our Quarter masters specialty!"
"It's meterocory is unapparel but,we're concerned about something else" Campbell sees the platypus eating mashed potatoes as Qm walks by with a caution wet floor sign "there appears to be a wild animal gorging itself at the table next to us" Miller said
"Why that's just the Camp mascot" Campbell said
"It's pretty cool" Ered said
"You just let a wild animal eat at the table with the children!"
"I let that thing do whatever it wants! The little basterd basically runs the camp! I'm not touching it!" Campbell said the platypus hisses at them
"Seemsssss dangerous"
"*nervous laughter* thats just how it says hello! Haha just don't let it kick you" Campbell said quickly moving away from it
"So what did you think of my 1 act 1 man 1 word play gram gram" Preston asked his grandmother
"What was that Preston?" She asked
"I SAID what did YOu think Of my PLAY!"
"Little bit louder pleasse" She asked again
"Oh yesss it was lovely!"
Mashed potatoes hits the lady in the head and she said "Come in"

Max pov

I sling another thing of mashed potatoes at Preston's table and ready another when Gwen take my spoon *rip spoon*
"Damn it max will you stop being a little shit today!"
"And what are you gonna do about it mooom! Send me to a summer camp so you don't have to deal with me"
"Oooo. That is a iron clasps come back"
"Allright family who's ready for dessert! Ohh max I still see some peas on that plate"
"Is it to late to be adopted by one of these other families they all look slightly less miserable!"

Time skip

I throw Gwen's cake
"For fucks sake! I wasn't done eating that!"
"You don't need the calories" I say Gwen drops me looking at her stomach
"Max! Yaknow you are really pushes my patience today. I have half a mind to tell your parents when they get here" David said
"How are you not getting this my parents don't care about shit like this! They! Are! Not! COMING! EVER!" I yell
"Hello everybody we're Mr and Mrs. Farts" They say
Everyone just stares when Nikki bursts out laughing
"Have you seen our beautiful boy Jeremy?"
David slowly slides away while Gwen explains that we lost him to a rival camp across the lake.
"Is this some type of joke?" Miller asked
"Is this some type of joke!?!?" Campbell asked
"...he was really gross!" Gwen tries to justify
"TIME FOR THE FINAL CAMP ACTIVITIE!" Campbell yells pulling out some of his hair "EVERYONE OUT!" He says jumping out the window

DuN dun DUN  you allllll no what's going down next chapter FEELZ ARE GONNA KILL YOU

There will be one more part of parents day and a few more unique scripted chapters and then the book will end ;-; see you next chapter

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now