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Keep in mind ideas are still welcome but I person who came up with "dance" thing whatever is ifLame_SketchXxX so thank you for this idea and making me bust out laughing in class because I pictured max dancing. I'm being serious thank you that is funny as hell!
Anyway story time!


Just kill me now today we have dance camp aka my camp! I signed myself up for this thing and I personally LOVE to dance and I may suck at it but sing! But of course it's my turn for our activities! I don't wanna! People never understand and judge me because I just have knack for dancing when they dont! I don't want people to judge me here!


D: David

D     ok y/n tomorrow it's your activities isn't that exciting!


D     Why is that?

Y      I don't want people to make fun of me!

D     For what dancing?


D     I don't know why people would make fun of you for such a thing

Y   *explains dancing and people*

D    oh dear well trust me no one here will judge you!

Y    you would be surprised

D    I have a question though

Y    and that is?

D   are you a bad dancer or-


D    I see *laughs* go on back to camp

Y     Fine

Back to now

It seems like we are still doing dance camp. Whyyyyy. I get dressed in something comfortable for dancing in and see Nerris still sleeping I wake her up saying it's time for breakfast. She looks at me sighs and puts on her glasses. We walked to breakfast together and she asked me why I didn't have shoes on. I told her it's gonna be easier for me with the activity today

At the mess hall I grabbed my food and sat at the normal table waiting for Max,Nikki,and Neil. After awhile they all came and sat down this time Nikki sat next to Neil making Max next to me.
"So...your a hippie now?" Nikki asked
"She means you don't have shoes" Neil said
"Oh I personally prefer to not have shoes when...*mumbles dancing*"
"What?" Max asked
"Thanks for blowing out my ear drum!"
"Your welcome!" I smile innocently
"So you signed up for dance camp?"
"Fine yes if your going to judge me go ahead"
"Why would we judge you?" Nikki said
"Well I as for you to everyone else does and as for max he's max"
"Fair" max said  "but I wouldn't say something about it it's kinda cool I guess"
"Hmm..anyway what's your activitie max? I know we haven't done one for you"
"T-thats none of your fucking business"
He seemed upset. Hmmm maybe I shouldn't ask...
"Ok campers let's go! Me and Gwen have set everything up!"
We go to the camps area and the dance area is...

Know one will know because I feel bad because I accidentally posted this chapter and felt bad...sooo working on next chapter

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now