Finding away

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Y/n's pov

I walk out of my tent for some reason waking up at around 12:00.
I take a walk and hear max
-n I liked her...she said she couldn't trust me"
I decided to listen in
"I-im so sorry max..but your a great guy and if she doesn't like you it's her loss"
"No I shouldn't have took her diary and I shouldn't have read it"
"You what"
"Max your a fucking idiot"
"I know"
I walk into the tent to see them hugging
"It'll take a lot to get her trust back yaknow"
"Yeah...thank you for this neil"
"Oh look max and Neil love each other" I said rolling my eyes. Max pushed Neil off him
I laughed at his sudden action
"Aww did I miss the gay party"
"You don't really have a say in this right now y/n" Neil said a little pissed at me but obviously understanding
"I-its fine Neil don't worry about it" max said quietly
"I'm gonna go you guys have fun with this"
I stand out side the tent door
"Max stop crying"
"I screwed up Neil and she's not going to like me ever again"
"I'm sure you can still be friends"
"'s fine honestly I just want some sleep"
Ok I was starting to feel bad now...but its his fault he can deal with it!

Max pov

I went to sleep upset over y/n I maybe young but who would honestly like me I'm messed up enough think about how messed up I'll be in like 10 years!

Maxes dream

   Alot of fun memory's I had with y/n went through my mind like the one where we shot the "food" at space kid..and the pranks we would pulled on David it kept going through my mind..then it got to us dancing I loved the moment the moment I knew for a fact I loved
y/n. Then it went to the first day of camp
"Have you ever felt alone (alone echos 3 times) even when everyone  (echos twice) is around" around echoed for what seemed like for ever then the dock scene. Tears where in my eyes and she looked ready to punch me in the face. "Cant trust you"  echoed over and over and over and over "MAX"   "MAX"   "MAX" 

"Max you ok?"
Neil looked worried
"Y-y-yeah I'm fine why"
"Because your sweating,studdering,and you where curling up in a ball in your sleep"
"Oh...I'm fine just a bunch of memories"
How was it going to make it up to y/n
"Well come on its al-"
"Most time for breakfast"
He shook his head a little bit then Nikki brust in
"Mep" Neil shuts up
"Buuuut maaaaxxx fooood"
"Nikki he confessed to y/n last ni-"
She runs out of the tent
"Let's go chase her" Neil walks out of the tent
"Fine" I mumble

   I went to the mess hall and bumped into someone
"Watch it!" They snaped "m-max"
"...why did you tell Nikki we where dating"
"Heheh I should just step in Uhh sooo..I may have came to my own conclusions instead of listening to the whole story"
"That's one less person I have to kill at least" y/n said

Time skip to the next day

Y/n didn't talk to any campers unless she had to and the next day she was wearing

She acted extremely professional to useing yes ma'am no sir shit like that! It was so werid so I got Nikki to ask her

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She acted extremely professional to useing yes ma'am no sir shit like that! It was so werid so I got Nikki to ask her

"I am mearly *nerd talk*"
"Neil translate"
"*sigh* She is acting normal,has no idea what you are talking about, and what's to know why you would ask that"
"Because your acting extremely werid all professional and shit!"
I said getting pissed.
"*nerd talk*"
"*nerd talk*"
"*nerd talk*"
"*nerd talk*"
"It's like their own language"
"*sigh* Fine I'll try"
"Great she back to normal!"
"*nerd tal-* damn it...actually I never changed this is how I usually act"
"No its not"
"Yes it it"
" *nerd yelling* "
"I give up"
"Do you know why she's acting this way?"
"Yeah I belive that the incident that happen on the dock*nerd talk"
"Not a nerd"
"I think what happened on the dock like it gave you nightmares turned her back to her formerself you said she acts different around her parents right?"
"This is probably that"
"Ohhh" me and Nikki said
I still haven't figured out what I wanted to do to make it up to her.
There's nothing I can do!
"Mails here"
I get mine and it's a blue hoddie
"Oh wow never have I seen such a glorious thing" I say throwing it over my shoulder. I look at y/n to she her with an envelope
"What's that"
"I know but what's in it" She motioned me over so I move to her side of the table as she opens the envelope

    Dear y/n   (damn her parents have good handwriting)
    We are very upset to hear/see you have wasted yet again of your pathetic life doing nothing worth living for. So we're going to be taking your phone away so you have more time studying and when you have a decent life you can have it back also we have been keeping tabs on your and want to know who that boy you've been hanging out with so much is. It's sad that I inform you that your guard quite so when you come home he won't be here.
                                             Happy date of birth,
                                                              Mom and dad

"It's your birthday?"
"Yeah the day you where born on"
"Oh my date of birth yeah tomorrow is"
"Is that a werid way of saying birthday"
"What is a birthday?"
"Well you typically have a party filled with family and friends,and you get cake and presents and it's all about you"
"Then no...I have never experienced this birth..dayy?"
"WHAT" I scream
"You've never had a birthday?" Nikki asked
"I don't know parents never told me about this"

I guess I found out a way to make it up to her!

1077 words! Hey guys shadow here I'm so happy with how the story is coming out its definitely how I pictured it to be and I'm just so proud of it I still think it's cringey as fuck but I really like how it's turning out! Also thank you anotsogoodwriter1 for stay up this late to pass ideas back and fourth and helping with the wardrobe as always and thank all of you for taking the time to read this book if you have any ideas please share them in the comments personally I love reading your comments they always make me smile so I'm going to sleep cause im extremely tired! And I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

Important please read

I want people to say their favorite ep and we are going to have y/n's birthday and then we are going to have the winning ep so comment or direct message me your favorite episode!!

A Time To Remember Max x reader camp camp [Completed] Under Editing Where stories live. Discover now