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(A/N: ok so this chapter is a lil bit confusing and I'm sorry! ): i'm trying to help make it nonconfusing )

Rainbow pulled up to the address that Spitfire texted her and parked her car along the long, but already packed driveway. Getting out, she walked up the driveway and to the door. Pulling her phone out, she decided to call Spitfire.

"Dash, did you come?" Spitfire asked as soon as she answered, not bothering to greet the latter girl.

"Yeah, I'm outside."

"What are you waiting for? An invitation? Come inside!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

Rainbow hung up and rolled her eyes, opening the door and stepping inside. She looked around to see if she spotted Appkejack or Soarin, relieved when she saw neither. She really didn't have the energy to deal with that situation right now, though she was still upset about it.

Just then, out of no where, Spitfire came up and wrapped her arm around RD's shoulders.

"Hey there, Dash. Glad you could make it." She said, handing Rainbow a red plastic cup. "Don't worry, it's just a cherry vodka sour."

"Thanks." Rainbow replied, gulping the drink down before following Spitfire over to a group of people who she saw around school before. She noticed Rayne and her sister Rayna were also there, too.

RD and Spitfire joined the group and were instantly engaged in a conversation with Rayne and Rayna about soccer.

A few minutes later, Soarin came over to them and pulled Spitfire a couple of feet away to talk to her.

"What is it now, Soarin?" Spitfire asked in annoyance.

"Do you have any condoms? I'm all out." he questioned.

"Does it look like I'd have any? I'm not a fucking dude. What do you need them for this early, anyway?"

RD, being the typical eavesdropper that she was, took a couple of unnoticed steps toward them to listen to their conversation without being caught.

"Because Applejack just showed up wearing some nice looking shorts that are too enticing."

Spitfire chuckled, shaking her head.

"I put some under your pillow, have fun!" Spitfire laughed as Soarin left to go find Aj, joining the group once again.

Instead of listening to the conversation, Rainbow was begining to worry. Even if they weren't together, she still wanted to make sure Aj was safe. Even if Applejack didn't listen to her advice to stay away from Soarin. She needed to make sure Aj was okay, asap.


"You look good tonight, Applejack." Soarin complimented, backing her up against the wall.

"Thanks, I guess." Aj answered, giving a half smile.

"You know, I've been pretty interested in you since high school. I just never told you." He said while placing his hands on Aj's waist.

"I figured." Aj said, folding her arms over her chest as her back hit the wall.

"I bet you did." Soarin whispered as he leaned down towards Applejack's face, pressing his lips against her's.

This caught her off-guard. She wasn't expecting him to kiss her at all and right now she had no idea whether to give in or push him away.

His kisses weren't anything like Rainbow's. Her lips were soft and plump and her hands were more gentle. Soarin was completely different from Rainbow, though. If Aj wanted to get over her, then she'd have to stop comparing everything and everyone to Rainbow.

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now