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(A/N: Hey guys! We're almost done and I have big plans for this story here on out (: there's about 2 or 3 more chapters left and im sad about it but I hope you guys are as excited as I am for this chapter! )


2 Months Later

It was now November 30th and it was freezing outside. Snow had blanketed the city again overnight, forcing city workers to go around clearing streets and sidewalks all over the city. People were waking up twenty minutes early to have time to go outside and wipe the blanket of snow off of their vehucles, letting them warmup afterwards. Se people even woke up an hour early just to have time to go the nearest coffee shop or cafe and get coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or anything warm.

Applejack loved this time of the year because it gave her a reason to wear multiple layers of clothing. Tomorrow was the first day of the Christmas season and that meant that she'd see plently of decorations and what not everywhere whenever she decided to go somewhere. She didn't mind, though. She actually admired the colorful lights shining bright through the darkness.

Getting up from her place on the couch, Aj went to put her empty mug that she drank her hot chocolate out of into the sink. When she rounded the corner to go back to the living room, she bumped into the other person in the apartment.

"Sorry, Aj." They apologized as they went around her and into the kitchen.

"It's okay, Rainbow. Guess I should have paid more attention to where I was going." Aj replied.

"I can't believe we've known each other for a whole year. Everything went by so fast." Rainbow said with a smile, pouring the hot chocolate Aj made a few minutes ago into her thermal cup, adding marshmallows and a bit of whipped cream into the drink.

Placing the lid on the cup and taking a sip, Rainbow walked out of the kitchen and sat down on the couch next to Applejack. Aj had already finished her half of the chores around the apartemt and was relaxing in the warm living room with a fuzzy blanket draped over her body.

"Yeah, me neither. I'm glad I met you, Rainbow." Aj replied, placing her colorful, fuzzy sock covered feet on RD's lap.

"And I'm glad you're my roomate because being here alone is boring." RD said with an eyeroll and the picked up her phone.

"I can bet. I wonder how Rarity likes having the dorm room to herself, she probably has clothes as what not draped over the entire room now." Aj said with a chuckle.

Rainbow laughed along with Aj before her smile disappeared from her lips when she saw her phone screen. Of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Aj, so she questioned her sudden mood drop.

"You okay, Rainbow?" Aj asked, removing her feet from the latter girl's lap and scooting close to her with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, um, I just got a text from Spitfire." Rainbow answered cautiously.

"What'd she want?" Aj asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"She wants me to call her right now because she has something important to tell me that isn't related to soccer."

"Okay, well go ahead and call her. I'll go wash the few dishes in the sink." Aj said with a surprisingly happy smile as she got up and went into the kitchen, starting the dishes.

Rainbow took a deep breath and dialed Spitfire's number. It rang four times before she finally picked up.

"Hey, Dash." Spitfire answered coolly, "Do you mind if I tell you something personal and important to me?"

"Yeah, I guess." Rainbow replied, playing with the stands hanging from her slowly fraying winter sweater.

"Okay... well, since we were in middle school, I've had a thing for you. I thought you'd have noticed it by now, but you probably didn't because of you girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just my best friend." Rainbow said, trying to avoid the fact that everyone around her was right about Spitfire liking her.

"Whatever you say, Dash. I gotta go, I'll see you at practice in a week."

"Okay, later."

Rainbow hung up and went to join Aj in the kitchen, where she found her drying the dishes and putting them away.

"How'd it go?" Aj asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

Rainbow hopped up and sat on the kitchen island near Applejack, giving a shrug.

"I don't know, it was weird. Spitfire told me she's had a thing for me since middle school, thinks you're my girlfriend, and ended the call super fast."

"Well, you know I'm not your girlfriend right now, but I told you she liked you." Aj said, putting her hand on her hip.

Rainbow nodded before relaizing what Aj just said, her eyes widening.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'right now'?" Rainbow questioned.

"I mean exactly that. I am willing to try again with you, but I have to be fully convinved that you won't make crazy decisions, no matter how hard things get." Aj said, leaning back on the counter and facing Rainbow with a calm expression.

"I won't, Aj, I promise. Let me prove it to you." Rainbow replied, coming up with an idea.

"And how exactly are you gonna do that?" Aj asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

RD hopped off the counter, stepping close to Aj.

"You'll see." She smirked before leaning down and pressing her lips against Aj's.

Like an instant reflex, Aj wrapped her arms around Rainbow's neck, letting her guard down for the first time months.

Rainbow couldn't help but smile against Aj's lips, relieved that she didn't fight her off. Oh how she missed feeling Applejack's sweet, tender lips against her own. She wrapped her arms around the latter girl's waist and lifted her onto the counter.

Surprising Rainbow with her actions, Aj pulled RD's shirt off in a quick move. In the next few minutes, buttons and zippers were undone, panties and bras littered the floor, and both girls found themselves in bed, wrapped up in each other's arms and showing just how much they missed one another in a slow and sensual way.

(A/N: Soooo, that just happened (; I tried to hold out on letting them get back together, but I couldn't do it oml i was getting sad without AppleDash 😭 Anyway, tell me how you guys liked it and im sorry for any typos, ily guys! )

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