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(A/N: the story is almost over guys *sniff sniff, tear tear* but dont be sadddd bc im gonna try my best to make sure that the rest of this story is great okok (: ily guys! )

A Week Later

The day was finally here, Rainbow's parents' wedding. Though she didn't like the idea of having to go, she had to admit that she enjoyed the sight of Applejack wearing a red, skin-tight dress that stopped above her knees. The entire time they were getting ready to go, she couldn't keep her hands off of Aj and wanted to drag her to bed, but Aj wasn't having it.

Rainbow refused to wear a dress, though, so she left the house in jeans, vans, and a black t-shirt. Aj did manage to get her to comb her hair, so that was a good thing. When RD went outside to start the car, Aj sneakily put a dress for Rainbow in her bag, which had a change of clothes for herself when she got tired of wearing a dress because it just wasn't her style.

Rainbow thought that Aj looked beautiful and couldn't stop glancing her the whole way to the wedding. Aj had loosely curled her hair, did her make up, and had willingly dressed wayyy out of her comfort zone. RD knew she didn't feel comfortable in that outfit, but she was surely gonna be the one to take it off of her tonight.

They were currently inside Rainbow's dad's house, the wedding would take place in the spacious backyard, upstairs with her dad while he finished getting ready for his big day.

"Please don't tell me you're wearing that for the wedding, Rainbow Dash." Bow said to his daughter as he finished putting his suspenders on.

"I sure as hell wasn't gonna wear a dress. That's not really my style." RD replied.

"You should have worn something nice, your mother's gonna be pretty judgeful."

"Again, Zora is not my mom."

"No, not Zora. Your actual mother."

This made Rainbow's eyes widen.

"You invited your ex-wife to you and your new wife's wedding? That's a dick mo-"

"No, no, no, I didn't. My mother, your grandmother slipped up and told her when they ran into each other at the store, so Windy called me and demanded an invite just to see you, but we weren't even sure if you were coming back then. I'm pretty sure she wanted to come just to be nosy, like she always is."

"To see me? Yeah right." Rainbow scoffed, glacing across the room at Aj, who was sitting on the loveseat by the the window of the room they were in, staring out the window.

"You should still look nice, dear. You can wear a tux for all I care, so long as you aren't dressed like that." Bow replied, gesturing towards her all black outfit.

"Really? You're okay with that?" Rainbow asked  with excitement.

"Yep, you're free to wear what makes you you and I'm 1000% sure that you'd dress like a boy even though you're a girl over wearing dresses any day."

"Okay, great! I'll just wear the dress shirt, tie, and jacket though. I wanna be comfortable."

"Fine with me. I bought you a tux ahead of time because I know how you hate dresses." Bow chuckled, as he put his tie on and grabbed his jacket off the couch.

He then told Rainbow to go across the hall and get it out of her old room. She came back shortly after in a black, long sleeved dress shirt, a red tie, and she had the light grey jack draped over her arm as she tried to put the tie on, but failed.

Aj stood up and smiled at the sight of Rainbow struggling to put tie the tie around her neck. She walked over to her and helped her tie it, pecking her lips once she was done. She was surely gonna have to repay Rainbow for coming to this weding even though she didn't want to come.

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now