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"Wait, what? Why would she leave?" Rainbow questioned, anger in her tone.

"I don't know, she just said that Soarin had called her and-" Fluttershy said before being interrupted.

"Soarin?! And you just let her go? Why didn't you try to stop her?" Rainbow shouted before grabbing her keys and walking past the meek girl, closing the apartment door behind her and quickly getting in her car.

When she saw that the latter girl wasn't getting in the car, she rolled down her window and shouted at her.

"Let's go!"

Fluttershy squeaked and quickly scurried to the car, getting in the passenger seat. Rainbow was so tired of Soarin trying to get to Applejack and she'd just about had all that she could take. When she came to a red light, her phone rang and she answered it without reading the caller id.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something. What is it?" She questioned in a rude manner.

"Aren't you worried about your precious little country princess?" the person asked.

"Who is this?" RD asked, looking at the caller id and seeing the title 'Unknown' in the place a name or number would be on the screen.

"Don't worry your pretty little rainbow head about that."

"What do you want from me?"

"Come to me and I'll tell you, babe."

Rainbow's eye began to twitch and she asked where they were.

"The empty mainsion behind Sugarcube Corner. You got 10 minutes to get here, otherwise you can say goodbye to your girlfriend." The person hung up and Rd was left with the end tone.

She knew exactly where the empty mansion was and how to get there, so she stepped on the gas and took the back streets to get there quicker and to avoid a ticket.

Soon, she was pulling up in front of the mansion. Rainbow instructed Fluttershy to stay put and to not leave the car before quickly running off to the side of the house. She was smart enough to know to never go through the front door because you never know the kind of trap that might be set up. Finding a window, Rainbow climbed up on top of the nearby trashcan and used it to help her climb up to the ledge  in order to reach the window. Standing on the ledge, she was relieved to see that her prayers were answered and the window was unlocked. She quietly slid it open and stepped inside. Looking around, she could tell that she was in one of the many bedrooms of the house.

From her place in the mansion she could hear faint voices talking, so she crept through the halls, following the voices until she was just outside of another room. The door was cracked open, so she took the opportunity to look inside and see two people in hoodies not facing the door. What caught her attention was the fact that Applejack was tied to a chair and her head was hanging low, her untied hair blocking the view of her face.

"Well, it looks like she's a no-show." One of the two hooded figures said to the other, though their voice sounded familiar. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

"She's got a few more seconds. Give it time." The other replied, their voice scratchy and feminine, much like Rainbow's.

Quickly putting two and two together, she realized that the two people were exactly who she thought they were. She pushed the door open and stood in the room, folding her arms over her chest, drawing both of their attentions.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up." The guy said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Give it up, Soarin. You can just keep on dreaming about getting with Applejack because she's mine." RD said.

"Your's?" He asked in a mocking tone. "You don't own her, Dash."

"I don't care, you can't have her and you will never be able to get in her pants."

"Oh, but I already have." He smirked, reaching out and caressing Aj's cheek.

"That's a lie, she already told me what really happened." Rainbow took a step closer to them.

"Did she really? Or did she just tell you a lie to make you feel better?" The other person asked.

"Yes, Spitfire. Applejack wouldn't lie to me because she's always honest." Rainbow replied.

"Mhm, sure." Soarin said.

"Just give me Applejack and we can go our seperate ways." Rainbow stated.

"Oh, no. That'd be too easy. We want a deal." Spitfire said, taking off her hood. "We'll let you take her and never bother you again if you quit soccer and never play again."

"Really? That easy? Deal." Rainbow said with relief while walking towards Aj, only to be stopped.

"You're just gonna give up soccer like that? You love soccer, Rainbow Dash." Spitfire commented with shock.

"But I love Applejack more and she's more important to me than soccer. Plus if I quit, then you can finally stop having to compete with me just to be as good as I am."

With that, Rainbow walked past them and over to Applejack. Kneeling down in front of the latter girl, her heart plummeted down into her stomach when she lifted Aj's head, finding her unconscious and sporting a deep purple and blue bruise under her left eye. She could feel her anger growing quickly, but didn't say a word as she untied Applejack from the chair.

As she picked the unconscious girl up and began carrying her out the room and down the nearby stairs, she could hear someone whispering her name quietly. It seemed as if it were gradually getting louder, which was confusing her.

"Ms. Dash. Excuse me, Ms. Daaaash. Hellooooo? Ms. Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?"

A hand waving in her face pulled her back to the reality of where she was and why. She was in the waiting room of the Canterlot Hospital and she was waiting for Aj to wake up from being unconscious.

She looked up at the person in front of her and quickly stood to her feet.

"I'm sorry, Doc. I was thinking about something, what'd you say?"

"I said that you can come with me." The doctor said before leading Rainbow to the room that Aj was in.

The doctor opened the door and stepped aside, letting RD enter the room. Rainbow gasped when she saw Aj sittng in the hospital bed with a frown and folded arms. She quickly went over to Aj's side to see if she was okay.

"Aj, are you okay? What happened? I was so worried that you'd take forever to wake up." She then asked the dreaded question when the doctor closed the door, allowing the two girls to have privacy. "D-Did he touch you?"

"Rainbow Dash, I'm fine. I'm just tired, okay? It's been a long night and I was stupid for falling for his trick, like I really thought he had something of mine that I had lost or forgot at his house at that party a few months ago or something, but he really just wanted me to get to you." Aj said with self-pity, putting her head in her hands.

"It's okay, Applejack. You didn't know what was gonna happen and no one is baming you or calling you stupid. I quit soccer for you." Rainbow stated, reaching out to rub Aj's back.

"What? Why would you go off and do that?" Aj asked, looking up at the latter girl in horror.

"It was either soccer, which I love, or the girl that I love more and I chose you. You're so much more important to me than anything else in this world."

"Really? You mean that?" Aj asked with a soft smile.

"Of course." Rainbow answered, lifting Aj's head up some more and leaning down, kissing her lips.

(A/N: This chapter is the worst of them all I'm probably gonna rewrite it if you guys hate it as much as I do. Plssss give me feedback guys 😭 ily okok )

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now