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Rainbow woke up the next day to her phone ringing loudly. Not bothering to read the caller i.d., she answered it and put the phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" Rainbow answered, keeping her eyes closed.

"We need to talk." The person on the phone stated.

Rainbow sat up in her bed and pulled her phone away from her ear to see who it was. When she saw Applejack's name on the screen, her eyes widened and she put the phone back up to her ear.

"Talk? About what? When?" Rainbow asked, fully awake now.

"Right now. I'm outside." Applejack said before hanging up.

Rainbow quickly scrambled around her room to pick up loose clothing off the floor and going to brush her teeth quickly. She went to open the door and Aj walked past her into the living room. Rainbow lead them into the bedroom and continued cleaning her room while Aj started the supposed conversation they were gonna have.

"Why were you all on my case about me sleeping with Soarin, which I didn't, when you slept with Spitfire and didn't bother to tell me?" Aj asked sternly, folding her arms over her chest.

Rainbow paused from what she was doing and turned to face Aj, her eyes widening.

"How did you know that?" RD asked.

"So, it's true? Wow." Aj said bluntly with a sarcastic chuckle.

"No, I didn't sleep with her, well actually, I did, but it's not what you think!" Rainbow said quickly, trying to explain herself.

"Then what is it, Rainbow?"

"I slept with her, but we only did exactly that, okay? You have to understand that I'm dealing with a tough breakup and thhat I can't just move on that fast, so before you not believe me, just think about that."

"And it's not hard on me? You've gotta be kidding me."

"I know it's hard on you. Breakups aren't meant to be easy, but there's always a reason why they happen, Aj. Our's was because I wasn't the kind of girlfriend you deserved. You needed someone to be there for you and make you happy and I wasn't doing either of those things really well, so I had to do what was best for us. For you." Rainbow stated, stepping close to Aj.

"Don't you miss me? Or at least what we had?" Aj asked, her eyes softening as she unfolded her arms.

"I always miss you, why wouldn't I?"

"Because I- nothing, nevermind." Aj said while wrapping her arms around herself.

Rainbow closed the gap between then hesitantly and lfted Aj's head to make her look at her.

"I still love you."

"I'm pretty sure you do."

"Are you really that mad at me?"

"I'm always mad at you." Aj said with an eyeroll, taking a step back from Rainbow.


"Because you're always doing something stupid. Like sleeping with that girl, for example."

"Applejack, I didn't sleep with her. She told me that I got crazy drunk, was all over her, went to her house, and threw up all over her.  I guess I ended up sleeping there."

"Okay, so why did you wake up half naked?"

"You know I have a habit of taking my clotes off in my sleep. I guess that's what happened. I still haven't talked to her since yesterday."

"Mhm..." Aj trailed off, clearly uninterested.

"Aj," Rainbow started while throwing empty water bottles away, "can we maybe start over and be friends? It sounds lame and I never say this to anyone, but I miss you. A lot."


"Because I don't like this, it's weird and it just doesn't feel right."

"So, you think it's okay to try to be my friend after you broke up with me for unnecessary reasons?"

"Well, no, but please Applejack. I just want another chance to be in your life. Even if we never date again, I would much rather due being your friend than being without you in my life. You're my best friend, Aj." Rainbow stated, standing a foot or two in front of Applejack.

Aj could tell how important this was to Rainbow and, the truth is, she misses her just as much. She just refuses to admit it.

"I don't know." Aj said with an unsure look.

"Don't know what?"

"If we should start over. How do I know that I can trust you?"

"I promise I won't do you that way ever again, Applejack. Swear it." Rainbow replied, hiding a smile.

"Okay, fine. But let's not start all the way over, I don't feel like dealing with all that." Aj said, waving her hand at the idea.

"Really?! This is gonna be so awesome! I missed you so much Aj!" Rainbow shouted with excitement, hugging Aj a little too tightly.

"Can't....breathe...." Aj managed to say, trying to free herself.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I got a little too excited. But can you promise me one thing?" Rainbow asked, letting go of the latter girl.

"Yeah, anything."

"Can you please stay away from Soarin? I'll avoid Spitfire as much as possible outside of practice if you do." RD said with a nervous smile.

Aj didn't know what to do. She did know that she needed to leave Soarin alone, but she also wanted Rainbow to not be around Spitfire, so it could work out in her favor.

"Okay, but you need to not spend so much free time with Spitfire. Practice only."

"Deal." Rainbow smiled.

(A/N: this chapter was short and boring, but the next one should be way better okok ily guys!)

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now