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(A/N: Hi guyssss! Sorry I havent been around ): homecoming was last week and i was soooo busy and i had writers block and it was tragic but im here now okok ily guys! )

A Week Later

It had been a week since Aj had been admitted to the hospital and she'd be getting to leave today. Rainbow was excited because she was lonely every night for the past week and she missed her girlfriend so much. Of course she went to visit her everyday, but she still missed her.

Rainbow was currently sitting in the wating area, wating for Aj to get dressed into her own clothes and get ready to go. All the paperwork had been filled out already and RD was glad to be getting Aj back. A few seconds later, Aj came down the hall and into the waiting room with her things in her hands. Rainbow jumped to her feet and quickly went over to Aj, leading her out of the hospital by the hand.

"How're you feeling?" Rainbow asked once they were in the car and driving out of the parking lot.

"I feel fine, I'm just really hungry and could go for some breakfast right about now." Aj replied as her stomach growled loudly.

Rainbow chuckled lightly, reaching over and rubbing Aj's tummy.

"Well, I'll take you to my dad's and we can have breakfast there because he's been asking to see you when you got better. Or we can go home and I can cook, it's up to you." Rainbow said with a nervous, but cute smile.

"We can go to your dad's, I guess. It's closer anyway." Aj grabbed Rainbow's hand and held on to it for the rest of the car ride.


"I'm so glad you're feeling better, Applejack. I was so worried about you." Rainbow's dad said as he placed a cup of apple juice next to her plate full of french toast, eggs, grits, and bacon.

"Yep, I'm all fine and dandy now, sir." Aj smiled before digging into her food.

"That's great, dear. I trust that Rainbow here is taking good care of you." He replied with a smile, patting RD's shoulder gently while the rainbow headed girl rolled her eyes and sipped more of her grape soda.

"Anyway, Zora and I want you both to come to our wedding."

Aj stopped chewing at the same time that Rainbow spit her soda back into her cup.

"Did you say 'wedding'? I hope I just heard you wrong." Rainbow said quickly.

Aj swallowed her food and wiped her mouth to prepare herself, just incase RD decided to cause a scene. She and Aj had already talked about how she felt about her dad and his girlfriend getting married and she wasn't necessarily happy about it.

"Yes, wedding. We really want you guys there."

"No. We're not going. When in this wedding anyway? A few months? A year from now?" Rainbow asked in an uninterested tone, sitting her cup down.

"Next weekend, heh." Her dad chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck, a habit Rainbow had obviously encountered from him.

"Well, I'd be glad-" Aj started before being interrupted.

"Aj and I are gonna be busy, sorry." Rainbow said.

"Rainbow, don't be rude. I think it'd be nice of you to go to your parents' wedding." Aj said.

"But Aj-"

"No, we're going. Got it?" Aj questioned in a firm tone.

"Fine. What time do we need to be there?" Rainbow asked her dad with an annoyed frown on her face.

"It starts at 11 a.m. Your mother will be so happy when she finds out you're both gonna be there." Rainbow's dad said with excitement.

"She's not my mom." Rainbow mumbled lojd enough for Aj to hear and ignore.

Aj finished her food while Bow went on to give them information on the wedding next weekend. She got up and washed her used dishes since she didn't like letting others clean up after her. Soon, both girls went home and Rainbow refused to say anything the whole way there, ignoring Aj's questions.

Applejack obviously knew Rainbow was upset about having to go to her parents' wedding, but she didn't feel like it was necessary to be given the silent treatment.

Rainbow parked the car in front of the apartment and got out, going inside without a word, leaving Aj in the car.

Aj took her seatbelt off and gathered her things out the backseat, following Rainbow inside. She locked the door behind her and set her stuff down on the kitchen table, quietly going into the bedroom they shared. There, she found Rainbow sitting on the edge of the bed with her arms folded over her chest and a deep frown etched onto her face.

"Are you mad at me or something?" Aj questioned.

Once again, she was met with silence.

"Not communicating with me is the same reason why we ended up being seperated in the first place, you know." Applejack said, folding her arms over her chest.

"I wanna be alone right now." Rainbow answered.

"You can be, just as soon as you tell me what's bothering you." Aj sat down next to Rainbow and looked at her, waiting for an answer.

Rainbow sighed before turning a bit to face Aj.

"I don't wanna go to my dad's wedding."

(A/N: sooooooo, there's chapter 10, its kinda crappy but eh, im trying my best to make this story end well )': plus typing with fake nails on that are long is hard, like super hard and it takes a lot of time 😭 forgive me guys, ily all okok! )

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now