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Applejack got up at exactly 8 am, like she did every weekday, so she could get ready and make it to her ten o'clock class on time. Only thing she didn't like was that her class was way on the other side of the campus so she had to leave thirty minutes early if she wanted to make it to class on time by foot.

She was lucky to have Rarity as her roommate because they were close friends before college even started, so she didn't have to worry about liking or disliking a new roommate. Aj went into the shared bathrolm they had in their dorm room and began to get ready for her day. Rarity had already left for work twently minutes ago. Rarity worked at her mother's boutique about ten minutes from campus when she didn't have classes, which were on Tuesdays and Fridays. On Saturdays she went in the morning but was back around two most of the time.

Rarity, being the fashion-smart diva that she is, always kept their room remarkably tidy. She even put Aj in the habit of cleaning up everyday. Aj didn't mind though. She kinda liked cleaning.

Going into her closet with a towel wrapped around her body, Aj quickly got dressed and went to the bathroom to do her hair. After making sure she looked alright, she grabbed an apple out of the fridge, got her things, and started her walk to her class.


Class was over three hours later and Aj was glad. Sitting on a hard plastic chair for three hours straight was not comfortable at all. Applejack began to chuckle to herself because she reminded herself of Rarity. Rarity always complained about the distaste in decorations in the classes and the terrible choice of chairs they have us sit in. That girl was truly something. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she saw had a missed call and two new texts, all from her girlfriend. If one would even call it that.

Aj decided to text her back as she walked home instead of calling her.

Aj: Sorry, I was in class. What's up?

RD: It's okay, how was class?

Aj: It was fine, I'm walking back to my room now

RD: Hate to cut this short, but I gotta go or I'll be late for soccer /: sorry, love ya!

Aj: yeah, love you too

Rolling her eyes with annoyance, Applejack put her phone away and finished her walk to her room. When she got there, she put her bag onto her bed and sat down. Just then, Rarity walked though the door with a nervous smile on her face.

"Hello, dear! How are you this afternoon?" Rarity asked in a rushed tone.

"Uh, what's going on?" Aj asked, squinting slightly.


"Lying isn't right, Rarity." Aj stood up, folding her arms over her chest.

"Okay, okay. I may have accidentally set you up on a date with a guy I know." Rarity admitted, giving another nervous smile.

"Wait...you did what?!" Aj asked with wide eyes.

"Applejack, I swear I didn't mean to! I wasn't thinking and-"

"I can't go on a date with anyone unless they're Rainbow Dash. I'd be cheating if I did."

"I'm terribly sorty, Applejack. I'm going to try my best to fix it right now." Rarity apologized before leaving the room hastily.

Aj picked up her keys and left the room also. She was going to meet Rainbow at the soccer field since practice would be over soon.

(A/N: Hi guys! So this is the first chapter of book two and I made it short on purpose (: I have to get you guys interested somehow! If you read this chapter and felt so confused, then you should go read 'Who Are You?' (: i hope you guys liked this chapter and I cant wait to get this book going so you guys can be excited as I am and sorry for any typos! Love you guys <3 )

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now