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"I..can't believe..we just..did that." Aj said, trying to catch her breath and hopping off of the dresser, pulling her dress back down to its normal length.

"Don't act like you didn't love it, babe." Rainbow said with a smirk while standing up in front of her, kissing Aj's cheek and heading into the bathroom that was in her old bedroom.

She looked in the cabinet under the sink and found a pack of unopened toothbrushes she had left, which is just what she needed. She opened them, took one out and put toothpaste on it and proceeded to brush her teeth.

"Of course I loved it, but don't you think your parents are gonna be wondering where we ran off to if we don't go back out there?" Aj asked, joining her girlfriend in the bathroom to fix her hair.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at the overdramatic girl that she loved and finished brushing her teeth. When she was done, she cleaned her face and put the toothbrush away.

"You can expect more when we get home." Rainbow said, kissing Aj's forehead before walking out of the bathroom.

"Why don't you ever let me return the favor to you?" Aj asked, following Rainbow.

"Nah, I'm okay with giving. You don't have to worry about me, babe. Come on."

They both went back downstairs and outside to the tent, relieved everyone dancing and talking, their absence unnoticed.


"I'm so glad to be home. I got tired of smiling and hugging relatives that I don't even know." Rainbow said with an eyeroll.

"Aww, it wasn't that bad. Your parents were really happy to have you there and your mom was glad to see you." Aj replied, sittig next to Rainbow.

"I'm hungry, I'm gonna go get a pizza. Wanna go?"

"Nope, I'm gonna go shower and wash a load of clothes while you're gone."

Rainbow nodded and grabbed her keys, leaving the house while Aj went to gather the dirty clothes.

As soon as she started to washing machine and was heading to the bathroom to start her shower, she caught a glimpse of her phone lighting up. She went over to it and saw that it was Rainbow's dad calling, so she answered.


"Applejack! It's Zora, and I've been try to reach you for a few minutes now. Anyway, I'm on my way to the hospital around the corner from your place and need you to meet me there in a few minutes." Zora said calmly before hanging up, not giving Aj a chance to speak.

She put the phone down and changed out of her dress, putting on a pair of leggings, one of Rainbow's sweatshirts, and some converse. Quickly pulling her hair in a ponytail, she grabbed her keys and drove to the hospital Zora told her to go to.

Parking the car, Aj got out and walked to the entrance where Zora was waiting for her in her pajamas and a jacket.

"What's going on? Is everyone okay?" Aj asked with worry.

Zora sighed before grabbing Aj's hand and told her the reason why they were there.

"Sweetheart, Rainbow's been, um..hurt. She had an accident and totaled her car. Now, she's okay, but she gas a broken arm and she's pretty banged up. She's trying to rest right now, but do you want to see her now or wait until she wakes up?"

"I wanna see her now." Aj said, trying to process everything Zora had just said and following her inside the hospital to a room.

"Are you ready, dear?" Zora asked as they stopped outside of the hospital room that had Rainbow's name on the little sign outside the door.

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now