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Sitting on the bench outside of the locker room, Aj pulled her phone out to check the time. Just then Rainbow Dash and a few other girls from the soccer team walked out of the locker room in conversation, not noticing Aj's presence.

Aj cleared her throat, waving when they all turned around to see who it was.

"I really need to talk to my girlfriend. I'll see you guys later." Rainbow turned to her friends before going over to Aj, throwing her soccer bag over her shoulder.

"What're you doing here?" Rainbow asked as they began walking out to the parking lot.

"I got bored, so I decided to come spend time with you after practice. I missed you." Aj replied, giving half of the truth.

She actually wanted to tell her about what Rarity did, but she needed to find a right time to bring it up.

Once they were in the car, they headed towards Rainbow's apartment. Aj did live there in high school, but she wanted to be closer to school, so now she has a dorm with one of her best friends.

"Well, I missed you too, but I've know you long enough to know when you're not being 100% honest." Rainbow spoke, taking a quick glance at Aj.

"No, it's nothing important. We can just talk about it later. I just want to spend time with you." Aj said as they pulled up at the apartment.

They both got out and went inside, Rainbow going straight to the shower. When she got out ten minutes later, she came out of the bathroom in jeans, converse, and a plain black tank top.

"I actually have somewhere I need to be. Can you tell me what you were supposed to be telling me?" Rainbow asked, standing at the mirror on her dresser and combing her hair.

"Well, I hope you're prepared for what you're about to hear."

"Is it bad?"

"To me, yes."

"Okay...what is it?"

"After I got back from my class this afternoon, Rarity came in and was acting all nervous and what not. So, I made her tell me what was going on and she told me that she set me up on a date with some guy."

"A date? Why would she do that if she knows you and I are together? That's weird." Rainbow said, picking up her keys.

"I know."

"You should go on it." Rainbow said, catching Aj's attention.

"I should go? Why would on earth would I do that when I have you?" Aj asked in an offended tone, frowning slightly.

"Because you need someone who's there for you and I'm not good for you." Rainbow replied, folding her arms over her chest.

"But you are there for me as much as you can be and I understand 100% when you aren't. What makes you think you're not good enough for me? Wh-what are you trying to say, Rainbow Dash?" Aj asked with nervousness, fearing what might come next.

"I wanted to talk to you about this last weekend when you came and stayed the weekend with me, but you were so happy that I just couldn't do it. I know I need to now because it's hurting you, even though you won't admit it. Applejack, I love you so much and I'd do anything to make you happy. Even if that means breaking up with you for your happiness. I really don't want to, but I know you need this so don't argue with me on it. Just please go home and not cry, okay?" Rainbow asked softly before leaving Aj alone in the apartment and leaving in her car.

Aj just stood there, dumbfounded and hurt. It hurt like hell. All she could do was call someone to come get her and take her home, her real home.

Leaving the apartment, making sure to lock the door, she placed her key inside the little mailbox right outside the door and her ride pulled up at the exact moment.

Getting in their car, she put her seatbelt on and leaned her head against the window.

"What's wrong, Applejack?" Sunset asked, giving a worried look.

"Rainbow Dash just broke up with me because she thinks she doesn't make me happy. Apparently, she wanted to do it since last weekend, but she waited until a while ago to tell me. She didn't even give me time to comprehend what had just happened before she left and I'm just so- ugh! Please just take me to my brother's apartment, I really want to get away from everyone right now." Aj said, taking a deep breath.

Sunset nodded, driving off towards Big Mac's apartment.


"Why would she think you're not happy?" Sunset asked Aj as they sat in her old room in pajamas while eating cookies that Aj's brother made for them not too long ago.

Sunset pretty much told Aj that she wasn't going to leave her side until she got to the bottom of this and that meant spending the night with Applejack. She mentally patted herself on the back for getting over her crush on Aj and getting over the petty jealousy she had for Rainbow.

"I dont know." Aj shrugged, eating a cookie off the plate that her brother just brought to them a minute ago.

"Hmm, I'm gonna have to talk to Rainbow. It's just not like her to do something that random." Sunset replied, rubbing her chin in thought.

"She did say something about me needing someone who can be there for me." Aj said.

"I bet that was because you guys haven't been able to spend that much time together. Have you guys tried to make time?"

"Yes, all the time, but she was always but with soccer and homework so we could never actually make plans."

"Why don't we just go to sleep and try to figure this out tomorrow? I know you must  be worn out fom the day you've had." Sunset said as they both laid down in Aj's old bed, backs facing one another.

"Goodnight, Applejack."


Sunset went to sleep right after, but Aj had a hard time falling asleep. She just had a gut feeling that she was missing something and she wanted to get to the bottom of it asap.

(A/N: wellll, there's chapter 2 I hope you guys liked it bc i worked really hard on it 😭 anyway this chapter isn't necessarily long either but I'm trying to work something out here so just work with me here, will ya? love you guys & sorry for any typos bc i tend to make those a looooot! )

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now