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Rainbow woke up the next morning to the sun shining in her face and someone running some water. She sat up and looked at her surroundings, noticing she wasn't at home in her own bed. Looking down at the cover that she was under, she quickly realized that she didn't have any clothes on. Just a bra and panties and it scared the hell out of her.

"What the hell? Who's bed am I in?" Rainbow questioned herself.

"You're in mine, obviously." a familiar voice said with a chuckle as the water turned off from where ever it was coming from.

Rainbow's eyes widened as Spitfire walked into the room from the bathroom (Rainbow assumed it was) that was connected to her room.

"What did we do last night? Did we.....?"

"Let's just say, I've never in my life had anyone do to me what you did last night."

"What did I do? Did I try to make a move on you or something?"

"Oh, yes, you tried." Spitfire laughed.

"What? What is it?" Rainbow questioned, folding her arms over her chest.

"Dash, you threw up all over me while trying to be seductive. You were also pretty mad about something last night, but you wouldn't say what."

"I-I threw up on you? Woah, I'm sorry Spitfire." Rainbow apologized as she got up and put her clothes back on.

"It's cool. I'm gonna go downstairs and get some cereal, you can use one of my extra toothbrushes thats under the sink. I'll be in the living room if you need me." Spitfire said before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Rainbow went to the bathroom and got herself freshened up. A few minutes later, she came out and went downstairs, joining Spitfire in the living room.

"Well, I'm gonna go see my dad before I get caught up in other stuff that'll distract me. I'll see you Monday." She said as she walked to the front door.

"See ya." Spitfire waved as Rainbow left the house, closing the door behind her.

Rainbow got in her car and left, going to her dad's house. It didn't take her long to get there. Getting out, she walked up to the door and unlocked it, going inside.

"Dad! I'm homeeee!" She shouted, walking into the kitchen.

There she saw her dad making a pot of coffee and an omelete.

"Hey, Rainbow." Bow greeted her with a smile.

"Looks like I'm just in time for breakfast." She smiled back.

"Oh no, you better get your own. This is for Zora."

"Do you really want your only daughter to starve just so your girlfriend can eat? That's not cool, dad."

"Well, I can make you some breakfast if you go buy some eggs." her dad grinned.

"Zora should have bought some. She lives here with you, not me." Rainbow rolled her big pink eyes as she grabbed a bottle of water put of the fridge.

"Moving off the topic of food, how're you and Applejack?"

Instead of answering like a normal person would, Rainbow almost choked on her water and had to gasp for air.

"Are you alright, Rainbow?"

"Yeah, I just didn't expect you to ask that."

"Well, she is your girlfriend, so why wouldn't I?"

"Yeahhhh, I kinda broke up with her." She trailed off, folding her arms over her chest.

"What? Why?"

Hurt, Heartbreak, and Lies [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now