Episode 6

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Kyoko-san and I were out in a walk, each of us holding our Soul Gems out. They pulsed slowly. You can use Soul Gems to track Witches, as they pulse when a Witch is near. If they're pulsing is fast, that means the Witch is very near or you're right at the labyrinth's entrance. It's basically playing the "hot or cold" game. Kyoko-san and I used to do this all the time back in the days. It's nice doing it again, as I had a wave of nostalgia while doing so.

Our Soul Gems begins to pulse rapidly. "I think we're near," I called, transforming into my magical girl outfit.

"Right," she nodded, transforming into her outfit. Kyoko-san's magical girl outfit consisted of a dark red dress with an opening for her soul gem, which was a red oval, and a mandarin collar. The borders of the dress are covered with thick white ruffles that cover the opening of her dress and go down to the back of it. She also wore white arm sleeves that go halfway up her bicep, with black buttoned cuffs around her wrists. Underneath, she wore a pleated pink skirt and a black corset with white detailing. For shoes, she sported tall red boots with white cuffs and white symbols, and black thigh-high tights. Her weapon is a gold, silver, and red spear.

We entered the labyrinth to see a circus-like interior. The walls were green, triangular-shaped flags in all sorts of colors hung on strings, and they even had the little stand that the performers stand on when they form. A circus-themed Familiar roamed around while a shadow chased it and another shadow ran after the shadow. We followed the shadows until we saw who it was. I hissed at the reveal. "That brat is the newbie?" I rolled my eyes.

"What? You know her?" Kyoko-san asked, watching the newbie carefully.

"Yup. She goes to the school I went to. In fact, she was one of Mami's followers."

"Is she going to plan to kill it? It'll drop nothing and all she'll get is the impurity from the Witch! Is she signing herself up for death?"

"Well, she's just copying what Mami would do."

"This newbie seriously annoys me. I'm gonna put an end to it!"

She threw her spear at the Familiars not to hit it, but to scare it off as Sayaka dealt the finishing blow. It scurried away, taking the labyrinth with it. "What are you doing?" Sayaka cried as the labyrinth morphed back into an alleyway. "It's getting away!" She wore a Magical Girl outfit, which consisted of a blue and white button down strapless top, a blue skirt, white stockings with a blue strip, teal boots, a white, thigh-long cape, and two pairs of gloves: one being midnight-blue and elbow-length, while the other being white and the standard length. Her soul gem was a blue crescent moon located on her naval. Her weapon was a cutlass, a sword used by sailors.

She was about to make a run for it to chase after the minion but Kyoko-san held her spear by her neck, stopping her. "Can't you tell it was a Familiar, not a Witch by looking at it?" She asked. "You weren't going to gain any Grief Seeds off of that one."

"But--" Sayaka stammered. "If we leave it alone, it will go off and kill someone!"

Kyoko-san pulled out a fish-shaped bread filled with red bean paste and took a bite out of it. "I'm telling you," she explained with her mouth full. "You should wait for it to kill four or five people and become a real witch. That way, you'll be sure to get a Grief Seed if you kill it. Seriously, what were you thinking, killing the goose before it laid its golden eggs?"

"What...? What about the people it'll attack?" Sayaka cried. Madoka peeked from behind her shoulder and slunk back, Kyubey on her shoulder. "Are you just going to sit back and watch them get killed?"

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