Episode 17

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I woke up on a desk and instantly recognized it as the desk at the Lapis Lazuli Academy. I shot up. What am I doing back at my school right now? Didn't I...become a Witch? Is this the subconsciousness of a Witch?

I heard footsteps and I turned, seeing Madoka in her school uniform walking up to me. She smiled, shrugging her shoulders in the process. "Hello, Rei," she grinned.

"What am I...what's going on...?" I stammered.

"You see, I've changed the rules of Magical Girls, creating the new Law of Cycles. I have to meet up with every girl who despaired in the past. Since you have fallen to despair, I have to meet with you as well."

"But why am I..."

"I have no idea." She looked around. "Is this your old school?"

"Yeah..." I nodded. "I have...a lot of memories from here. Mostly bad...but some good..."

Just as I said that, a spirited version of myself came out if my body. I gasped as I watched her look around, and spotting someone. She broke out it a giant grin and ran up to the friend. As I followed her, I saw a spirited version of Kyoko-san as well. She gave spirited me a wave as I approached her.

Madoka glanced at me and I teared up. I dug through my pocket and pulled out Kyoko-san's shattered pendant and pulled off my ribbon bracelet, cradling it in one palm. Tears began to fall. "Are you...going to send me back into the regular world?" I sobbed. "I don't know...if I can live on if you do..."

"No..." Madoka started. "I was going to let you pass on peacefully but..." Madoka watched me intently before turning back as the spirited version of me and my best friend went off somewhere. "I see...let me ask you something," she said. "Are you happy anywhere as long as you are with Kyoko?"

"Yes," I replied, wiping my tears. "These past few days have been absolute hell for me...I don't know how I can continue on. I guess...I'll just be a corpse. I'll still be able to live, but I'll be empty. Everything will pass by me and I wouldn't care."

Madoka remained silent and I stopped crying, the realization of her words hitting me. I turned at her. "You mean..is there a way...?" I gasped.

She smiled and nodded. "I mean...we never know..." she shrugged.

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