Episode 11

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With the power of Soul Gem tracking, we located Sayaka alone in a train station. Quickly as we could, we ran into the station, which was way after closing hours. Since the station was closed, the escalators weren't working and we ran up them as if they were ordinary steps on a stairs, there, at the second floor, sat Sayaka. She looked paler, thinner and had bags under her eyes, as if she hadn't been eating for a while and haven't been getting enough sleep. Behind her, the TV flashing colorful ads for the products lit up the dark place.

"There you are!" I gasped as we arrived and stood next to her. I sat down, panting and Kyoko-san joined me, pulling out some chips. "We found you at last! How long are you planning to be stubborn like this?"

"Sorry for making you two look for me," she mumbled turning away.

"What?" Kyoko-san frowned, inhaling a large chunk of chips. Usually Sayaka would be all agitated that we we're after her and start yelling, even recklessly challenging us like usual. But...she seemed eerily calm. Like, calm before a storm.

"That doesn't sound like you," I continued, frowning as well.

"It's because I just can't care about anything anymore," she sighed. "I can't even remember what I thought was so important, so worth protecting...none of it makes sense anymore. Hey..." Sayaka seemed to be fidgeting with something in her plan, as she kept playing with her hands and twisting them. "Hope and despair balance back out into zero...you both told me that once, right? Now I get what you both meant."

She opened her palm, revealing what she was fidgeting with. It was her blue Soul Gem, except it was tainted. It was the most tainted Soul Gem I've ever seen. Dark colors of black, purple, and green swirled with the blue, as if they were combining to become one. "It's true that I saved a few people," she laughed dryly. "But in equal measure, my heart began to fill with resentment and hatred. So much that I even hurt my dearest friend."

"Sayaka, what do you mean...?" I breathed, still staring at her gem.

"Sayaka you didn't--?" Kyoko-san cried, but unable to finish her sentence as Sayaka turned towards us.

Her eyes were filled with tears, a rare sight for the tough girl. "For as much happiness we wish on one person, we can't help but curse someone else," she stated. "That's how it works for us Magical Girls." Tears began to roll down her face. "I was so stupid...so stupid," she sobbed as tears dripped onto her Soul Gem.

Suddenly, the ground beneath her cracked and her body crumpled, falling off the bench and hitting the ground. In her palm, her Soul Gem withered and became the outer shell of a Grief Seed. It levitated above her as the impurity within her Soul Gem began to circle around the Grief Seed.

Blue fire erupted out of nowhere and some invisible force knocked Kyoko-san and I off the bench. We flew away, Kyoko-san grabbing the railing of the glass fence on the second floor as I screamed as I flew past her. She let go of one hand and quickly grabbed my hand, holding onto to me was tight as she could as she held onto the railing as well.

"SAYAKAAAA!!!" We both screamed as we held on for dear life.

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