Episode 4

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I was flying through the air in my Magical Girl form. As a dancer, I am extremely agile so I can jump from building to building and stay airborne for a little while. Tracking the voice's location before I completely lose it from the conversation earlier, I was closing in on how it was. I carried a plastic bag as I stopped by the convenience store earlier and picked us up some sandwiches. I saw a figure on the metal telephone poles that hung wires that carried electricity through the city and I knew I was there. I landed on the metal pole and regained balance. The figure turned at my presence.

She had long, pale red hair up in a high ponytail and tied by a black ribbon. She also had bangs which frame her red eyes. She wore a a black crop-top hidden by a light sea foam hoodie which is unzipped at the bottom, revealing her belly button, denim shorts with fur around the bottom edges, and black below-the-knee boots. She was munching down on a sandwich. Her face lit up at the sight of me. Kyoko Sakura. My best friend. "Rei!" She cried, throwing her arms out from her seated position to hug me.

"Kyoko-san!" I cried, stray tears flying out like birds before going up to her, transforming back to my school clothes while I was at it, and hugging her back.

"Aw, Rei, I told you to drop the honorifics when you're around me!" She scolded. "We knew each other for years. No need for all the respect and stuff!"

"Sorry..." I laughed, scratching the back of my head. "Oh, I bought us this." I pulled out the sandwiches I had bought from the convenience store. "But it looks like you've already ate something." Kyoko-san had the ability that, because of one of the influences for her wish, she could create food through her Soul Gem.

"Wow, more food!" Her eyes lit up as she grabbed one of the sandwiches. "Thanks, Rei!" She slung her arm around my shoulder and I laughed.

"What you've been up to this past year?" I asked, nibbling at my dinner.

"Oh, nothing much," She shrugged, tearing out a huge portion of her sandwich with her teeth before chewing it up. "Been here and there, all over the place, collecting Grief Seeds when I can find them. You?"

"For the past year, it's just been Mami and I," I explained. "This new transferee named Homura Akemi, and she's a Magical Girl as well. But, she isn't interested in fighting the witches like us. It seems her interest is mostly focused on this one first year student named Madoka Kaname. Mami and I still fight Witches and fight over the prize. Oh, did you know Mami got some bottom feeders? These first year students, one is Madoka and the other is a brat named Sayaka Miki, have taken an interest in her and practically worship her. She is basically begging them to become Magical Girls."

"Ha!" Kyoko-san chuckled. "How pathetic!"

"She died yesterday, though," I added. "Serves her right. She was gonna make the girls wish for cake."

"Cake?" Kyoko-san choked. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. That's what Homura told me. Anyways, what are you doing back here, Kyoko-san?"

"Isn't it obvious? To claim this city as my territory! Once I caught wind Mami kicked the bucket, I hurried back here as soon I could. When I got and within calling distance of you, I called out, and you came here fast."

"Well, who wouldn't be excited to see their best friend after one year?"

We laughed and I leaned against Kyoko-san, finishing my sandwich. Kyoko-san had inhaled hers a while ago and now is working on a churro. That girl's food capacity and metabolism never ceases to scare me. Something else landed on the metal and we turned to see Kyubey. "Hello, Rei," it nodded at me. "Good to see you again, Kyoko. It's been a while."

"It has," she said in a monotone voice.

"Rei?" It asked. "What's the matter? How come you're not throwing me death looks as usual?"

"Consider that because of Kyoko-san's return, I'm happy right no and not in the mood for you to spoil it or for me to spoil it, we're on a truce," I glared.

"So, Kyubey, this whole city is mine and Rei to keep!" Kyoko-san stretched.

"Not possible, I'm afraid," Kyubey shook its head, its ears shaking to the movement of its head.

"Whaaat?" Kyoko-san yelled. "Is it because of that new kid?"

"No," Kyubey replied. "Homura Akemi has no interest in fighting Witches. A Magical Girl, a new one in fact. She made her contract just hours ago. She has taken over this city. I'm afraid Rei you'll have another rival to fight wth and Kyoko...unless you're willing to join in with the competition and fight as well."

"Are you fucking joking?" I cried. "Who is it?"

"I think you'll find out soon enough," It grinned.

"This really pisses me off!" Kyoko-san growled, throwing her arms up in anger. But, she brought them down at her side again. "Y'know...Rei this could be fun." She smiled.

"How so?" I asked, sighing. "We aren't making another alliance, are we? You saw what happened when we did with Mami—"

"Not that," she shook her head. "I was thinking about something else. I find the idea of handing over this territory to a rookie hatchling to be pretty annoying."

"What do you intend to do, Kyoko?" Kyubey asked.

"There's only thing for me-I mean, us to do," she grinned devilishly. "I'll put the new girl out of commission...permanently."

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