Airplanes give me peace.

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Sophia's POV


The remaining days flew by quickly.

Now Cam, Bella, and I are about to board our flight. I over heard Bella complain how there's nothing to do on an airplane only sit and watch TV. Also sleep! I found airplanes very relaxing and calm. I remember when Harry took me on an airplane for the first time ever. I was terrified, but I had my Harry by my side. This is the first time I am riding on an airplane without Harry by my side kissing my cheek and whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm my nerves.

"Sophie, what are you going to do on the plane ride. " Cam so kindly asked, snapping me out of my day dream.

"Um I got this book yesterday. It's called It by Alexa Chung. I heard it was a good book. So I guess I'm going to read."

"Nerd!" The two lovebirds harmonized together, directed at me before I slapped them both on the back of their heads.

"Come on, we have to board now." I said while a smirk was playing on my lips.

The flight was silent, and it gave me time to think what to do if I bump into a Styles or a Jenner while I am over there.

"Sophie, why are you so calm?" Bella asked while Cam tried to calm her down. She was supposed to be the brave one. As I watched them, the memories of Harry and I came rushing back.

I simply answered, "Airplanes give me peace." But by the time I answered, Bella had fallen asleep. But Cameron heard me, and he knew damn well why I said it too because he was just staring at me in deep thought.

"You know staring at me isn't going to change my feelings for him, right?" I said, barely a whisper, finally making eye contact with him.

"I wish it could." He simply stated.

" cannot protect me from everything. I have to learn from my mistakes, and you have to let me and Bella have mistakes to learn from." I had to tell him.  It's not like he is going to be there forever. He has to let me fall so I can pick myself up. I felt like this moment was coming way to soon for me.

"Sophie, I just do not want to you to talk or even make eye contact with Harry if he even shows up."He scoffed. There was like a seventy five percent of chance that Harry was not even going to show up. But there was still that twenty five percent. Plus, his family is going to be there.

And with that, Cam decided to rest and I decided to give myself small mini heart attacks by thinking about this trip. Why should I get all worked up if he is the one who cheated? He is the one who ruined both family's relationship. This is actually the first time in about two years I'm seeing my family again. I could not just go to my own home, if I can call it home anymore while Harry's whole family was there too. How am I supposed to avoid eye contact for six months. They will think I just jumped off the looney bin. Oh, I totally forgot about Kendall. Kendall and I were very close because our families are too. Then, I found Kendall laying in bed with Harry at his LA house when he was supposed to be in London. Now I do not even want to breath the same air as her. And just like that I fell asleep with the bitterness of the horrid image inside my already corrupted mind.

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