Family over Everything

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Sophia's POV


The next day:

I wake up on the couch to find that the other half was empty. I got up and noticed a note on my head. The note read, "Gone to the house to pick up a few things. H.xx" I got so worried because no one knows that Harry and I are back together. Just when I reached the kitchen, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Harry and Cam, both with bloody noses and bruises everywhere.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" I asked as I helped them inside.

They both plopped down on the couch, and I ran to get the first aid kit. As I was cleaning their wounds, I got the feeling that they did not fight each other. I sorta do not want to know who was the other person.

"So what happened was..."Harry started, but I cut him off.

"Did any of you kill anyone?" I asked

"No." They both said.

"Continue. " I directed Harry.

"I went to your house to get our stuff, and I ran into Cam. He told me he is leaving to New York. So we were talking about it. Then, Jack appeared. He started talking about what happened a few days ago. I was telling Cam just to come with me. Cam looked pissed. Then a fight broke out. Jack pushed Cam and Cam didn't stop either." Harry summarized.

"So you guys fought?" I asked, just clearing the air.

"Yeah and Harry dragged me out of there to pack my stuff. He told me I could stay here if that's OK with you..." Cam said nervously, like I was going to say no.

"Well Cam I don't think that's a good idea." I stated.

"What? Why?"Harry asked me, yelling a little bit.

"I'm kidding guys. Cam I love you,  and you are welcomed here anytime." I said while finishing cleaning up his last wound.

"Thank you and I really needed to get out of that atmosphere.  Your or even my own family did not make it any better for me." He said, shaking. I'm really scared for him. He is a goof ball but so emotional on the inside. He is like the last person you ever want to hurt, but Bella did anyway.

"Are you sleeping at night now or is it still the same?"Harry asked Cam. I did not know of this sleeping problem. In a way, I love the bromance Harry and Cam share. They love each other like brothers and would do anything for each other. I remember when Bella and I were like that or so I thought.  Unconditional love does not exist in my family.

"Yeah I get in a couple of hours, at most 4 hours rarely."He said with obvious bags under his eyes.

"What's wrong with your sleeping?" I asked because I needed to know.

"I can't fall asleep anymore because I start to get nightmares. Trust me Sophia, they are really bad. I get these dreams where I'm holding my child in my own arms and out of no where Bella comes and strangles my child. That's basically what she did. That was my child Sophie. My baby that I could have raised to be a doctor. Maybe my child could have been the doctor that cures cancer. Ever thought about that Sophie. Bella knew this would hurt me and cause me to be an emotional mess, but she still did it anyway. I actually loved her. I wanted to marry her. Did she even ever love me?"Cam sobbed. He was looking straight at me. I could not lie to him. Bella only dated him because he was famous.

"Cam I'm sure she loved you at some point. I don't think she was faking all along." I tried my best not to break his heart even more.

"Oh come on. You know that's bull. She never loved him. She just saw fame in him. " Harry laughed.

"Harry!" I said while glaring at him.

"You always pick family over everything. Even me."he yelled. I thought we were passed that.

"I do not. Now stop saying that. If I picked family over everything, do you think I would be here right now" I yelled. I was getting frustrated because he always think I pick family over everything.

"Then, why are you even here?" Harry asked, looking straight at me.

"Harry" Cam whispered to him. He got up and tried to calm him down. I just stood there trying to understand what he wants from me.

"What the hell is the supposed to mean? Did you forget what happened yesterday? Are you drugged or something?" I gritted my teeth.

"No. I am perfectly fine." Harry said

"Oh really. To answer your question, I'm here because I live here so shut the hell up and leave me alone." I shouted and stormed out of there to our bedroom. I locked the door and fell on the ground. How could he say such a thing? There is something wrong with him. I've been noticing that his mood swings are getting out of control. Just when I was about to get up, Harry and Cam were knocking at the door.

Sorry guys. This update took forever. Enjoy the chapter. Hope all of you had a Merry Christmas!

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