~Sixth Part~

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The clock was 6:33 am.
I hurried to the window and opened it. Under the window were standing Alex and Marc, who were throwing pebbles, because otherwise they couldn't woke me up. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" they shouted. "Morning! I'll be ready in a minute," I shouted them back. I left the window open, I run to the wardrobe and pulled out black shorts and purple T-shirt from it. I hurried to the bathroom, I dress myself, brush my teeth and tie hair in high ponytail. Then I ran downstairs. In the dining room were sitting Jonas in his pajamas and read the newspaper. "Good morning! I'm going to jog with Marc and Alex," I said when I wear my running shoes. "Morning. Okay, have fun. Later I'd like to talk with you," he shouted back. Surprisingly with a normal and nice voice. I smiled: "Okay, see you." I walk out of the house. Marc and Alex were laughing and making silly faces. They are crazy when they're together. "Here I am!" I said and with my hands on my hips I stood in front of them. "Did you oversleep?" Alex asks. "No, I meditated," I said and showed him the tongue. Marc laughed: "You didn't hear the phone? We called you like crazy." We all laughed. "Okay, you fools. Let's go now. I don't have all day," I said and stretch. "Okay, let's compete who'll be at the lake first," Alex said and Marc nodded. "What? Are you crazy? I didn't run for a year and you'd like to compete who'll be first at the lake, which is 4 kilometers away?" I asked surprisingly. They are crazy!!!!
They nodded. "You get a reward if you run all the way up," Alex said and pushed Marc so hard that he almost runs into me. "Hahah, yeah you too," I laughed and started to run. I was very surprised that I'm still in top condition. It's true that I was jogging with two friends in London once a week for half an hour, but I didn't think that I would be able to take such a long distance. They afford me very good for the first time! I ran in comparative to the same pace, not too fast and not too slow. The guys of course ran few meters in front of me. Yeah, they have to show themselves. Men's ego, you know, haha. I let them joy and I just laughed.
After two kilometers they slowed down a bit, so we ran together now. "What is it? You can't do it anymore?" I smiled. "Yeah, we can," Alex said out of breath and Marc only nodded. Finally, we saw the lake and soon we fell to the grass, a few meters away from the water. "Huh, that was..." Alex said, but he didn't finished the sentence. "What will we do now when we're all winners?" I asked. "It's a bit hot," Marc said and Alex and I nod. "What if we get a little refresh?" Alex suggested. "We're at the beginning of March. And I don't have swimwear," I quickly said. "And? You won't get cold. We've been swimming there for a whole week and we're still healthy. And, princess... you don't need swimwear," Marc winks at me. "Go ahead, I'll wait here," I said determined.
Boys took off their T-shirts and running shoes and threw themselves into the lake.
"Sara!!!" they called. "Yeah, nice. Enjoy!" I shout to them and took a picture and post it on Instagram. #CrazyMarquezBrothers #havingfunwithfamily #lovethemsoooooooooooooooooooooomuch
I lay in the grass and I listen pattering of water. The guys were completely crazy, they were like little children. I almost fell asleep when something dropped on my forehead. I opened my eyes and Marc was bent over me. "Go away," I said because I knew that he has something up the sleeve. He laughed: "No, I won't go till you don't join us."
"I told you that not today. We can come here tomorrow again and I'll bring swimwear. I won't go into the water without them."
"You can be in your underwear."
I shake with my head: "No, I don't want to."
"Why not? Why don't you want to?" he asked while he was playing with drops in my forehead. "Because I don't want to. Tomorrow, I promise."
"There will be rain tomorrow. Come on, Alex is waiting on us," he insisted. Because I didn't move yet, Marc waved Alex, who came up from the water. Marc grabbed my hands and Alex my legs and they were already carrying me towards the water. "You aren't normal!!" I scream as I suddenly landed under water. I barely swam to the surface and the guys burst into laughter. "Very funny," I said when I climb up to dry. "I'll never forgive you!" I shout when I wept a wet T-shirt. "How am I going to dry up?" I asked. "Undress yourself," Marc said. I roll with my eyes when I take off my T-shirt and wring it out again. "Damn," I said to myself. I hanged the T-shirt on the branch, pulled off my sneakers and poured water out of them, then I removed my shorts and hung them on the branch next to the T-shirt. When I let down my hair to get dry as soon as possible, I looked at the guys who were staring at me. "What's wrong with you two? Have you ever seen a girl in underwear?" I ask when I sat on the grass. "You're so hot," Alex said, "I can't believe that I just said this to my cousin."
"Since when do you have a tattoo?" Marc asks when he gets out of the water. I laughed: "Oh, that. Five months ago, why?"
"You've always dreamed about it," he sits next to me. I shrugged: "Yeah, some dreams come true. You don't like it?"
"It looks nice," he admits and smiles.
Soon Alex joined us and he was interested in why I chose a swallow and this inscription, if it hurts me etc.
My clothes was dried quickly due to warm weather and wind, so we decided to return. We walked most of time so we were at home about twelve o'clock. "What are you going to do later?" I asked before I entered the house. "I'm going to my friend's birthday party," Alex smiled. "I don't know yet. I have no plans. I won't go on motocross today, so I would like to spend some time with you, if you have time?" Marc said. I nodded: "Of course I have time. I'm going to eat something, later I have to talk with Jonas and then I'll be available for as long as you want."
"Okay then. See you at half past five? I'll come look for you."
"Okay, I'll be ready," I said. "And you enjoy at the party," I said to Alex and winked at him. "Yeah, of course. Bye," he replied and they left.

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