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David awoke in what appeared to be a house. He sat up on the couch and looked around. He saw Daniel on a chair, asleep. David payed back down and sighed. He stared at the ceiling, pondering about what had happened. He faintly remembered fainting on the sidewalk, and almost hitting the ground and someone catching him.

So Daniel caught me.. huh. David blushed a little. The he realized his jacket was off. He panicked and shot up. David looked around for the light brown jacket, and spotted it. All the way across the room. Next to where Daniel was sleeping. Daniel probably didn't see them... I hope. David thought nervously. He decided against going to get it, just in case he woke Daniel up.

He didn't want to be asked questions in case he had seen them.

But then David saw Daniel waking up, so he quickly made himself look like he was asleep.

Daniel slowly woke up. But then he remembered, and he shot out of the chair.

"David, I need to talk to you." He blurted out.

David looked over, tears in his eyes. "Y-yeah..."

"Why do you have cuts on your arm?" Daniel sighed.

David froze for a minute before responding, "I-i-i." David started sobbing, terrified. He thinks you're a fucking idiot. Cowardly piece of shit. His mind screamed at him.

"David? Are you okay?" Daniel asked worriedly, getting up and walking over to his friend.

"I-I c-cut m-myself.." David whispered.

Daniel tensed up. No. Not him.

"Why?" Daniel choked out.

"Because of mother." David lied. Daniel didn't look convinced.


David went to school the next day from Daniel's house. He rushed out of the house to avoid Daniel. They hadn't talked since Daniel had found out about his cuts.

David ended up running into Gwen on his way into school. "Oh! S-sorry.." David whispered.

"Oh, it's just me David." Gwen laughed.

"Oh, hi Gwen!" David smiled. He hadn't seen her face in a while, and it was refreshing.

Then he heard Daniel's voice behind him.

"David, wait. I need to talk to you." He said breathlessly. David froze and looked at Gwen, horrified.

"David, are you alright?" Gwen asked.

"Y-yeah, something happened yesterday that's all." David laughed nervously. Gwen didn't seem convinced, but she didn't press any further.

"David, come on. Please." Daniel pleaded.

David turned around. "Fine." He sighed.

The two decided to skip school and talk. David was reluctant, but he did so anyways. His mom wouldn't care anyways.

They sat underneath a large oak tree in a park. They usually went there to relax, but this time it was used for something else.

"What is it." David asked, not even looking at Daniel. He continued looking at the sky.

"Why do you cut? I want to know the real reason." Daniel said slowly.

David sighed. "Fine."

"It's because I like the pain. I'm used to it. It makes me feel better, since my mom hits me nearly everyday. Are you happy?" David had started crying.

"It's going to be okay." And with that, Daniel wrapped his arms around the boy. David froze. He'd never been shown affection like this before.

He liked it. Then David started blushing. Daniel is hugging me. He thought.

The Daniel let go and stared into David's eyes.

He leaned closer, until their faces were inches apart.

"Do you want me to kiss you or not~" Daniel smirked.

David was as red as a tomato by then, and he nodded slightly.

So Daniel pressed his lips against David's.

David kissed back, and time seemed to slow.

Then they pulled apart.

"I-I'm sorry I think I should go." David said. I fucked it up so bad why'd I do that?

So David got everything he needed and ran back home.

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