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More than likely for you to read some of the chapters you have to fan to read. So why not go ahead and fan me to read it all?!


Aubrey. That's me. All me like Drake said. I was sheltered girl growing up, i was shy at talking to boys. I mean yeah i liked them at school, but what was i going to say? Hey I like you? It was never that easy.

I was so glad when internet came along. It made meeting and talking to boys much easier. See i was not the best looking in elementary and middle school, but i was not the ugliest either. I had acne and was over wight. I mean you cant blame me for the achne right? Everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY had acne, but mines where way worst than everyone else. Everyone else except this one girls. Now that's what you call a pizza face.

During these stages of life i got teased a lot, making it hard to talk to people, period. I thought I was the ugly ducking in a sea of graceful swans. I was an outsider and i started to accept it. I stayed to myself until i was spoken to. I had a few friends here and there but i didn't connect with them like friends should.

My friends in middle school where all outcast, much like I was.

One was a hood rat in the making. I saw it just like everyone else but I was desperate for friends and accepted her. I liked her because she was daring. I wanted to do the things she did but never had the courage to. She was sneaky and compelling, things I learned to do later on it my young life.

Then we had the shy smart one. She was president of our class of eight, yes we only had eight people. She was weird, in a bad way. She was so shy it was like she hid from the world in the worst way. To be honest there is no way to explain her. All I know is that she disappeared after middle school and no one has talked to her since. 

Finally we had the "tomboy". Oh she was bad. But most importantly, she was funny, something i loved.  She kept me laughing, when i was laughing it didn't matter how i looked or felt about myself, i was feeling good. Everyone knew should would turn out gay, we just didn't know when. Out of the three friends i had, she was the one i stayed close to. 

My transition from middle to high was smooth I would think. I was ready for high school! At first i went to Weston High School in the "hood" as some people would call it. To be honest, i didn't want to go in the first place but when i got there i loved it! Weston had character and it had action. Two things i liked. I had a few friends but they where upper class men. I did have a few in my class though, you know the usually lunch buddies. I knew Weston wasn't the best school but i started to get a feel for people got a few crushes saw a few cuties, you know stuff i could work with. But my perfect world came crashing down all too soon.

After about a month at Weston High, my family decided it was best that I get transferred to South Edison High. I wasn't happy about it. Yes i wanted to go here first but things happened and i ended up at Weston. Now i have to make friends and get acquainted with everything again.

Getting registered was easy. They had most of my information thanks to Weston. I did have to change a class though. My Street Law class. I kind of enjoyed that class at Weston but at South Edison High it wasn't meant for freshman so i had to drop it and pick up Business Tech., a required class. Going throughout my day wasn't hard but i just needed to learn my classes and make friends to help me learn my classes.  

After finding a few friends and getting the reputation of looking mean, I started to get into the swing of things. My hardest classes were Math and English. It wasn't what I was used to in a math or English class so i struggled, badly. With ninth grade going by slowly i caught a few friends in the process. Well not really friends but associates. There was this one girl I would call my friend tho. I thought she was pretty. Her eyes made her looked exotic. She was "thick" like me. We both latched onto each other like we where lost. After a month or two she started calling me her best friend. Now I'm not the type to call people my best friend but hey! I let her go ahead. I mean she was my closet friend I had at the time. 

Later on that year she started to take a liking to one of our friends. I politely tried to explain to her that maybe she just thinks she is pretty. Of course this escalated quickly. Now its true that people rub off onto you because I started to like her. We went together for a while and ended when her family had problems. But hey. It surely didn't seem to stop us because we had relationships tenth and eleventh grade year also. Even through our ups and downs we still remained friends. 

 Eleventh grade, alot of things changed for me. I changed. I died my hair this bright blonde color. To say i liked it was an understatement. I loved my hair. Or maybe I loved the change. Either way I loved it. I looked like a lion and with my eyes changing colors, i was feeling myself. I also got an attitude revamp. I was loving myself and i felt confident in my own skin...most times.

Twelfth grade, i was just ready to get out the house and the end of the year wasn't coming fast enough for me! After heart break after heart break over the years i was ready to get on with my life! It was currently January and i was ready to get the hell out of South Edison High. I loved my time here but i was ready for bigger and better things in life. I was ready for college life. It was calling me, literally! Just like i was longing for it. Lots of things weighed on my mind. Read to see my journey from high school to college in my eyes.

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