Chapter Three

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Waking up to the smell of pancakes and sausage my stomach grumbled. Making the bed after sliding out of it i made my way down stairs. Stepping out of the door I quickly get pushed back inside. 

"What the fuck?!" I look up to see Josh standing over me in pajama pants and nothing else. I let my eyes roam over his upper half. His body was rock hard and sculpted by God himself. He was thick but all that fat was turned into muscle. My eyes roamed back to his face to see him scowling.

"Where you going with no pants on? You know good and damn well how that fuck nigga is!" His voice was deep and raspy from last night. He was right. His step dad was a looker. Probably a touch too, if you let em. He was a creep. Standing at 6'5 he had a gut and black and silver hair going throughout his balding hair and beard. To be honest i tried to stay away as much as possible. I never understood why his mom married him. She is so beautiful and only thirty-eight why ray wasnt a year shy of sixty, but to each its own i guess. 

"I sowwie JoJo" Standing up i wrapped my arms around his muscular built. I felt him relax and hug me back. 

"Its some of my pants on the bed. Please put them on." Wearily i nodded my head as i bit my lip. Even though Josh was heavy, i still felt like he was smaller than me. Especially with pants. The only reasons his shirts fit was because he was taller. 

"They fit Ari, okay?" I just nodded my head and made my way over to the pajama pants. Pulling on the pants i look back to see Josh eyeing me. 

"I uh...Can you step out please?" Coughing he nodded and slowly backed out of the room. Shaking my head i quickly put  the pants on and opened the door. Surprisingly they fit. "Josh i look like a hobo!" I look down at the baggy shirt and the semi baggy pants then back up at him with a frown. Looking me over he held in a laugh and made his way down stairs in his half naked glory. I followed but not with a snack of my lips and a kiss of my teeth.

By the time i make it to the bottom of the steps his step dad was leaving out the front door without another look back. I look over at josh as I take a seat on the island.

"What lil girl?" He ask mugging me as he took out eggs from the fridge. I shook my head and watched him crack six eggs into a bowl. 

"Whatcha cooking?" I ask in a sweet voice. He looks at me side ways as he adds pepper and hot sauce to the plain eggs. He knew i liked my eggs this way so he just sucked it up and at them like that too. 

"It depends..." He paused to lick his lips and clean his hands. "What you want?" I shrug my shoulders as his mom comes down stairs. She was so beautiful1 I admired her so much.

"GOOD MORNING MY BABIES!" Making her way around, she kissed both of our foreheads.

"Good morning" We both mumbled. 

"Who peed in y'all cereal?!"

"Nobody cause i ain't had no cereal in three months!" Josh exclaimed mugging the eggs he was beat the eggs. I sniffled a laugh as i jumped down from the island to grab the ingredients for pancakes. "Shut up lil girl. Always laughing"

I rolled my eyes as I mixed everything together. 

"Ma see how he do me?!" I whine to his mother and pout. 

"Aww I know baby that's why you re my favorite!" I stuck my tongue out at Josh as i flipped some pancakes over. He  mugged me as my stomach growled. This food really needs to hurry up!


My phone chirped with a text message as i pulled up to my driveway. I open the message from Caleb

C MONNNAAAYYY: You wanna go to the mall with me today? Around 5?

Was he asking me on a date? I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat that i didn't know had formed. Biting my lip i text back okay and looked at the time. i had about three hours to get ready. Running into the house i stomped up the stairs two by two throwing off cloths. 

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