Chapter one

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Chapter one

I walked up the stairs into South Edison with my beats on. I pulled my coat closer as i battled the harsh winter cold outside. Its been a rough winter for the south. This is out fourth episode of snow and i can feel another coming on before March gets here. My mom didnt trust me driving in the snow so i was driven to school. I hated it. She drove so crazy and the snow didnt stop her either!

I yanked open the door and a blast of warm air hit my face making me sigh. It was always warm in S.E. in the winter and always cold in the warm months. But no one is complaining, except the third floor of course. Either its too cold or too warm for them. Walking with my cup of coffee i faintly hear my name being called. I turn to see a few underclassmen yell my name. I smile from behind my cup and wave. Im not much of a talker in the morning, well not until i finish my coffee. Some people say im addicted but i know I can stop whenever i feel like it. I stop by my locker on the first floor and put my books and coat inside until needed. Grabbing my coffee off the shelf in my locker i slammed it closed and made my way to the library. Im so glad our library was two levels. Waving to Mrs. Anderson, the librarian, i jogged up the stairs to my hiding space. A corner way in the back of the library nobody knew about. I usually come back here to read or to think. This morning it was reading. I don't get to read much this year so i try to squeeze in.

When my book was just getting good I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking up, I gave a smile to Mrs. Anderson.

"Yes Mrs, Anderson?"

"I have a job for you." She smiles and looks at me. Mrs. Anderson was around her fourties but she looked about thirty, on a bad day and twenty on a good day. Her hair was in a bob and her skin was a smooth deep brown.

"Cool whats up?"

"I need you to let a person shadow you for a few days from another school." I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my book.

"Fine with me when will she be here?" I ask turning the page half way paying attention.

"Um..its a He and-" I drop my book and look up at her. I felt my eyebrows scrunch up.

"They paired me with a boy? Thats un S.E!" I shrike and shake my head.

"I know! But he will be sent to your homeroom! There he will follow you around. And i heard hes cute!" I laugh as she nudges me.

"Im not looking Mrs. Anderson!" I giggle and shake my head.

"UMHM! Hurry up and get to homeroom so you can meet my new son in law!" Before i could check her she was already down the stairs. Sighing i got up from my position and gathered my stuff. It was 8:10 and i still had to go to my locker. Im so happy my locker is close to the library. Almost running down the hall, I slide into my home room door as the bell rings.

"Almost had you Miss Parker." My home room teacher Mrs. Roberson's loud voice bellowed in the small classroom.

"Almost Mrs. Robinson, almost!" I smirked. It was many days that I was almost late and beat the bell by only a mili second. I went to my seat by one of my best friends and a close friend.

"Hey y'all what's up?" I greet as I sit down and get situated.

"Hey girl!" Madison exclaims as she looks up for her phone.

"Hey Alex ." Josh's deep voice bellowed from my right. Taking out my tablet I log onto Instagram and start to scroll down my time line.

"Oh lord here she go !" Josh exclaims . I giggle and nudge him. Josh and I had history. We dated for about a month in 9th grade. Some times I feel like he still likes me but I would rather stay best friends. It's better that way.

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