Jasper--- Forever💙

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You'd been with Jasper ever since the beginning but were off and on as a couple.

Like, during mount weather, he'd met Maya when you weren't together. Which made you want to leave. So you followed Clarke and found Anya and the cages together.

Just to get away from his new found happiness.

You gave up and became sad.
But you swore to save him.

So that was your goal.
Save him.
And even Maya.

Fortunately but unfortunately, Jasper survived. As for Maya... The same can't be said.

He was torn.

Jasper became a shell of who he was.


Lacking what made him himself.

So you swore to bring him back.

Now, as the end of the world is nearing in a week or so, you have to find a quick solution.

You walk through the bar and immediately spy Jasper.
Trying to get Bellamy to join him and his new friends.

Bellamy refuses and as you approach he turns to meet you.

"Hey, Bel." You smile politely.

He grins.

You continue on toward the bar and his face strikes worry.

"Hey. Be careful, okay?" He says, touching your arm gently.
You know what he means.

Don't get caught up in their madness.


You give him a slight nod and he continues out but a blonde stops him.

You sigh.

Bellamy and his blondes.

You greet Jasper who plays a drinking game with a guy you don't quite recognize.

"Hey stranger." You smile and knock on the table.

Jasper drunkenly pours you a glass of moonshine.

"How are you?" You add.

"Amazing. Couldn't be happier." He lies with a smile plastered on his hiccuping mouth.

"I see." You sip your drink and cringe at the bitter taste.

"So I see you've finally come to your sense, (Y/n)?" He smiles big and leans over the table to you.

"Not really. But I am here for you." You shrug and push your drink forward.

"And what do you wanna do with me?" He winks and you shale your head with a laugh.

Sorta the same Jasper in there somewhere.

"I want to talk." You smile and he suddenly becomes a tad sober.

"I already told Bellamy and Monty. This is me. You can't change it." He frowns and you shake your head.

"That's not what I want to talk about." You say and he nods.

"I'll be back in a second Riley." He tells his drunk friend. And follows you out to the hall.

You turn to face him and take his hands in yours immediately.

"You lied. You're trying to get me out of this 'phase'?" He frowns, trying to pull away but you don't lose grip.

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