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I enter the classroom, sort of wishing Wendy was still with me.

"Okay students, take your seats." The balding man at the front of the classroom says, quickly cleaning the penis off the whiteboard.

I stand awkwardly at the front of the class whilst everyone sits in their assigned seats.
Cartman, Kyle and Stan are in my class too. Stan is sat beside a girl in a pink parka, Kyle is sat beside a boy dressed all in black with blazing red eyes and Cartman is sat beside a girl with brown hair and a green jacket.
I also notice Tweek sat twitching at the back of the classroom.

"Hi Lizzy." Stan smiles kindly as he sits in his seat.

The girl doesn't reply, she just stares at the front of the classroom whilst resting her head on her hand.

"So Heidi, do you wanna hang out tonight?" Cartman asks, shuffling as close as possible to the girl.

"Of course, babe!" She smiles.

That was... unexpected. I had no idea Cartman had a girlfriend.
Is she okay?
Has he blackmailed her?

"Damien." Kyle nods at the boy in black.

"Jew boy." He nods back, a smile tugging at his lips.

Kyle doesn't seem to mind this nickname.

"can I help you?" The teacher, who I assume is Mr Garrison, asks. "I'm not sure you're in my class."

"Oh, I'm new." I reply.

"I see... let's try and find a seat for you," he looks around the room. "The only spare seat is McCormick's and he never shows up so I guess you'll have to sit there."

A boy with shoulder length blond hair sits up in his seat and pats the chair beside him.
I place my backpack under the desk and sit down.

"Hi there," the boy says in a squeaky English accent, "my name's Phillip but everybody calls me Pip because they hate me."

"I'm Butters, nice to meet you Phillip." I smile.

He gasps, "you don't hate me!"

"Of course I don't, silly." I roll my eyes.

"Nobody calls me Phillip, not even my parents." I notice that his eyes fill with tears and pass him a tissue.

"Okay class," Mr Garrison begins, interrupting our conversation. "As you know, we're going to be doing class projects on a subject of your choosing. And no, you may not pick your groups, I will be picking."

The whole class groans loudly, except me because I don't know anybody and I'd rather somebody else picked for me.

"Okay... Cartman and Heidi, Stan and Gregory, Lizzy and Jenny, Bebe and Red, Damien and Christophe, Tweek and Clyde, Craig and Token, Jimmy and Timmy and Pip and Butters."

"What about me, Mr Garrison?" Kyle asks as he raises his hand.

Just as Mr Garrison opens his mouth to reply, the classroom door opens and a tall, hot guy walks in.
He's dressed in black skinny jeans, ripped converse trainers and an orange parka, the hood pulled tightly.

"Hey, Garrison, sorry I'm late," he hands the teacher a late pass. "Family stuff."

"Mmm," Mr Garrison doesn't bother reading the slip. "Oh, I put the new kid in your seat."

"That's no problem, sir." Kenneth shrugs.

He lifts me out of the seat, sits down and sits me on his knee. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him.

I feel a blush creep over my face as I think of something slightly less innocent.
It doesn't help that I can feel his breath on the back of my neck and his arms are quite low down.

Mr Garrison sits on the floor and puts his head into his hands, sighing loudly.

"I'm so fucking sick of being a teacher." He mutters.

"And I'm so fucking sick of not being with you." Kenneth whispers into my ear.

"What?" I squeak. "Kenneth!"

"Kenny," He corrects me, "sorry, would you mind getting off? You're kinda crushing my boner."

I quickly scramble off him and sit on the floor. By this point Mr Garrison has gotten up and has recomposed himself.

"Okay," he sighs, pushing up his glasses, "let's try again. Kyle you can go with Kenny since he's showed up for the first time in months."

"But Mr Garris-" Kyle begins.

"Kyle I don't give a damn whether you like Kenny or not, you're working with him!" Mr Garrison snaps, slamming his hand onto the desk. 

"Fine." The Jewish boy grunts, crossing his arms and scowling angrily.

"So you guys can use this lesson to pick your topic and you can go to the library to do some research. I want your topic by the end of the class so I can write it down. You will be graded on originality, the content and your oral speaking skills."

"I know what other oral skills we could get graded on." Kenneth whispers.

The people who heard him burst into immature laughter, myself included.
Mr Garrison returns to the floor with his head in his hands.

Everyone gets up, chairs scraping across the floor loudly, and find their partner so they can sit together to pick their topic.

"See you later, Leo." Kenneth waves to me before sitting with Kyle.

I sit next to Phillip.

"So what topic do you want to do?" I ask, pulling a notebook out of my backpack.

"How about the inevitability of death and the fact that someday, probably soon, we will all die and be forgotten?" Phillip suggests, completely serious.

"How about how we do something less... depressing and something more researchable?" I tap my pen on the desk thoughtfully. "How about the Kardashians?"

"The Kardashians?" Phillip repeats. "What could we talk about, how much they spend on breast enlargement surgery?"

"What about we talk about how organ donation after death should be encouraged?" I suggest, remembering how my aunt Nellie said she wants to donate her organs when she passes on.

"Sure," Phillip shrugs. "Can I come to your house to do some research? My parents don't approve of guests, unless it's Estella."


"She's the daughter of a very rich family and my parents are desperate for us to be together but I have my eye on someone else."

His eyes travel across the room and linger on Damien, who is currently setting fire to paper balls with his index finger and throwing them across the room.

"You like Damien?" I ask, whispering so nobody else hears.

"Maybe..." Phillip mumbles, still looking at Damien.

"Well, my mom won't mind me having a friend over. I'll text her after class. Should we go to the library now to look up some medical stuff?"


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