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After a long study session, Phillip finally decides to go home.

"Father will be very disappointed if I'm not home before midnight. I'll see you tomorrow, Butters."

He grabs his backpack and leaves his house, calling a taxi so he can go home quicker.
I go downstairs for a quick snack before bed.

"Did you have fun?" Mom asks, snapping her book shut.

"I guess so," I shrug. "Studying isn't exactly fun."

"Fair point. Who was that then?"

"Phillip. I sit next to him in English and we got paired together in our project," I sit beside my mom on the sofa. "I wish I'd got paired with Kenneth, who happens to be our neighbour."

"Kenneth? You mean Kenny McCormick?" Mom frowns, "I've heard bad things about that boy. I don't want you talking to him, okay?"

"But mom-"

"No arguing with me. You know I don't know how to ground you so I don't want to get to that point. Just don't hang around with him too much, apparently he's a bit... odd."

"What do you mean?"

"Just drop it, okay?"


"Enough!" Mom shouts for the first time since dad died.

She realises and slaps a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide and already almost overflowing with tears.
Mom never raises her voice at me. She says it reminds her of my dad which upsets her. She hated how he grounded me and yelled at me so frequently.

"Butters, I'm sorry!" She whispers, so shocked she can't speak loudly.

"Whatever." I mumble, heading back upstairs, completely forgetting my snack.

I slam my bedroom door shut and slowly slide down it until I'm on the floor. I hug my knees and sit like that for a while.

Around ten minuets goes by and I still don't hear anything from my mom. I thought she would've come up to apologise by now, but there's been nothing.

My stomach rumbles loudly. Sighing, I get up and rummage around in my backpack to see if I have any food anywhere.
Eventually I find a squashed Snickers bar but the wrapper is slightly open and sticky so I decide not to eat it.

Something rustles as I pull my hand out of my backpack. I pull out a strip of paper with a bunch of numbers.

Kenneth's phone number.

Should I call him? I really really want to but I don't want to bother him, especially since he's working on his project with Kyle.
I check the time.
Surely Kyle will have gone home by now?

I call the number and hold the phone up to my ear, biting my lip nervously in case it's the wrong phone number.
After a couple of rings he picks up.

"Hello?" He asks, sounding annoyed.

"Hi! It's Butters."

"Oh, hey Leo," he sounds happier now, "missing me already?"

"Maybe," I admit. "Do you remember how in English you said I was crushing your boner? Did you really have one or were you just kidding around?"

"I wasn't joking," he chuckles, "and if you were wondering, yes. It was for you."

"What was..?" I innocently ask, although I'm pretty sure I know what he means.

"I knew you'd say that. Well, I've got to go but I'll see you in school tomorrow."

"Bye. Oh and-"

Something inside is telling me to me to say "and I love you" but another part of me is screaming that is was a bad idea. Why do I want to say it so badly?

"Leo, I have to go. Do you need to tell me something?"


"Okay then. See you later, baby."

He hangs up.


Did he say that that as a joke?
Does he like me?
Is he messing with me?
I want to phone him again just to ask what he meant, but I know it's not a good idea.

My phone buzzes loudly. Who's texting me?

Unknown: Hey. It's Token.
Unknown: I just wanted to say that I'm having a party tomorrow and I wanted to invite you.
Unknown: I live at the mansion in the rich part of town, you know where that is right?

Butters: I think so. I'm sure I can ask for directions or something.
Butters: When does the party start?

Unknown: Six o'clock.
Unknown: You can sleep over after if you want. Half the school is.
Unknown: my parents won't be home so don't worry if you want to bring any vodka over.

Butters: Sounds cool. See you in class!

I put my phone on silent, change into my blue onesie with the fluffy bunny tail and climb into bed.

The next morning.

I wake up to my alarm. I groan loudly and switch it off, wishing I could go back to sleep.

I quickly change and head downstairs for breakfast. When I get down there, I notice mom's made smiley pancakes (pancakes with fruit and cream to make a smiley face) and poured me a glass of milkshake.
However, she's nowhere to be found.

"Mom?" I shout, hoping she's home so I can thank her.

She doesn't reply.

"Mom?" I shout again.

I spot a post-it note stuck to the kitchen table and rush over to read it, worrying it's a ransom note from a kidnapper.
Luckily, it's a note from my mom telling me she's out grocery shopping.

I eat my breakfast in silence, trying to remember what classes I have today since my timetable is in my backpack upstairs. The only class I can remember is English with Mr Garrison and homeroom with Mr Slave.

Suddenly, someone bangs on the door.

"Open up, Butters!" Stan's voice yells from the other side.

He bangs again.
I get out of my seat, almost tripping over my own feet, and go to the door.

I open the door to a crying Stan Marsh.
His cheeks are shiny and his eyes are red. I wonder how long he's been crying.

"Have you seen him?" He asks, "he didn't come home last night. He always comes home, he's so scared his mom'll ground him for breaking curfew."

"Who?" I pull Stan into the house and sit him on the sofa. "Who didn't come home? Stan, talk to me."

He looks up at me, tears spilling down his face.

"Kyle, who else would I be talking about?" He snaps. "My freaking boyfriend, my super best friend! Listen Stotch, if you know anything so help me god I'll-"

"Calm down, Stan!" I go to the kitchen and grab my milkshake. "Why souls I know anything? I barely know the guy. Listen, he was working with Kenneth on their project last night. I'll bet he got so tired he went to bed at his house."

"Maybe..." Stan says, accepting the milkshake and taking a sip. "It's just not like him. He said he'd call me. I was waiting all night, until one in the morning."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, buddy." I smile, rubbing his shoulder sympathetically.

Well, I hope he is...

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