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After saying goodbye to Kenny and thanking him for the help, I enter my house.
My mom is sat on the sofa reading her book. When the door clicks shut, she looks up and smiles.

"Good morning, sweetie. How was the party?"

I shrug. "It was okay I guess."

She puts her book down on the coffee table and gets up. She gives me a quick hug.

"Right, now that you're home we can start working on the food for the housewarming tonight. I have to go out and buy some kosher food for the Broflovski family, but other than that we have everything we need in the house."

"I could make dessert," I suggest, "I know a recipe for some really nice cupcakes. I could make a couple batches and then people could take some home."

"Perfect!" Mom grins, squeezing my hand. "I'm just popping out for twenty minutes, you get started."

She grabs her jacket off the kitchen table and leaves the house.
I dig around in the cupboards for flour, sugar, butter and all the other ingredients.

By the time I've put the first batch into the oven, mom's returned.
She laughs at the amount of flour and sugar I've spilled all over the countertops and myself, but doesn't tell me off.

"Honestly, I can't let you do anything." She rolls her eyes jokingly and throws me a damp cloth to clean it up.

She starts sorting out the shopping whilst I clean up, telling me about the annoying man at the Whole Foods who was trying to pressure some poor man to donate to charity even though he'd already spent a lot of money on groceries.

It takes a while for us to finally finish preparing all the food, but when we finally finish there's twenty minuets until the guests arrive.
Our clothes are covered in sauces, icing, flour and my jeans are somehow wet.

"We'd better go get changed." I try to scratch some crusty icing off my shirt.

I run upstairs and into my bedroom. I pick my favourite blue Hello Kitty t-shirt and another pair of jeans, quickly change and go to my attic to play some Xbox before the guests arrive.

But before I can switch the console on, I notice something on the wall.
I grab my phone and switch the torch on.

A new drawing has appeared on the wall.
There's only one this time, but I still get a shiver down my spine when I look at it.

This one shows the orange character and a new blue character with a yellow head standing in a crappy box I'm assuming is a house. There's a red squiggle under them and a red heart between them.

I bite my lip and take a quick picture of it, feeling as if I'm being watched.

I try to control my breathing, but my heart races and my lungs feel like they're on fire.
Something clatters behind me and I almost scream.

"Hello?" I manage to squeak, turning around. "Who's there?"

"Talk less." A whispery voice says from the darkness.

"Huh?" I shine my torch around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Smile more."

"Who's there?" I repeat. "I have a phone and I will call the cops."

An orange crayon rolls across the floor and hits my shoe.
I pick it up and look at it, as if it's some sort of clue.
I was right. The colour is Kenneth Orange.

"Kenny?" I ask.

Nobody answers.

I hear the trapdoor slam shut and instantly freak out.
I shine my phone's torch around, trying to find the trapdoor. It sweeps over bean bags, my Xbox, but not the trap door. It's as if it's gone, as if whoever slammed it took it with them.

A whimper of fear slips through my lips and seems to echo throughout the dark room. My torch flickers a few times before plunging me into complete darkness.
It's ran out of battery, fuck!

I have a very irrational fear of the dark.

What the hell do I do now?

I stand thinking for what seems like forever, but it's probably only been a few minuets.
I kneel down on the floor and bang on the floor as hard as I can, ignoring the pain in my fist.

"Mom! Help!" I yell, hoping she'll hear me.

I bang again and continue yelling. If our guests have arrived they probably think she's kidnapped me, but right now I don't care about stupid neighbours.
I try again and again, my throat screaming with every shout, the pain in my hand increasing with every bang.
I can't give up, she'll hear me eventually or realise I'm missing and come look for me.

"Mom!" I try to shout, but it comes out as a desperate croak.

As if by magic, I hear voices downstairs.

"I think Butters is in the attic, I'll tell him to come down."

It's my mom!

"Mom! I'm trapped up here, please help!" I shout.

The trapdoor opens and a tiny stream of light floods into the room. The ladder falls to the floor with a clatter and my mom's face appears at the entrance.

"Butters, you knew we had guests coming over. Why were you up here so long?"

"It wasn't my fault, someone was up here!"


"They drew some weird drawing on the wall and shut the trapdoor before I could get down. My phone died so I was left in the dark."

"My poor baby!" Mom gasps, climbing the rest of the way up and giving me a hug.

I wrap my arms around her and sob into her shoulder. She pats my back comfortingly.

"We should probably go downstairs." I say after a couple of minuets.

Mom nods and lets go of me. She quickly climbs down the ladder and I follow, sort of wishing we didn't have the stupid housewarming.

{Complete} The Strange Boy Next Door ~ Bunny fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now