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I've been here for a few days, possibly weeks. I've completely lost track of time since my arrival in this hell hole.
Each day fades into the next as if it's one long day. The lack of sleep doesn't help this feeling.

We get fed twice per day, buttered bread and a glass of water, but each time I refuse to eat anything despite my hunger.

"You've gotta eat sometime, kid," Kenny's older brother told me one day, handing me a sealed packet of cold pop tarts as a special treat to try and tempt me into eating, "you ain't trying to starve yourself, are you?"

I didn't answer him.
I didn't answer anyone. I gave up talking as well as eating, which didn't go down well with the other prisoners.

They constantly tried to make me laugh, Sally Turner even begged our captors to unlock their chains for two minuets so she could give me a hug to make me feel better. Sadly they didn't let her.

Sally Turner is the youngest prisoner. She's the same age as Ike and Firkle, but there's nobody else her age down here. I'm guessing she feels pretty lonely and a hug would probably help her stop crying herself to sleep each night, but they probably couldn't care less about that.

Wendy stopped screaming each morning a day or two after I arrived, but she screams during the night when she has her nightmares. Poor girl.

Xavier and Sebastian don't talk to anyone either, they just occasionally whisper to each other quietly or sleep with their arms wrapped around each other.

I think it's almost time for one of them to be murdered, Kenny is paying a lot of attention to them at the moment, even going far enough to unlock their chains and giving them fruit juice to drink instead of disgustingly warm water.

"Hey, Butters!" Wendy shouts for the fifth time in a row, "Tell us about your dream or something, we're all super bored."

Even though I know she can't see me, I shake my head. Even if I did want to talk I wouldn't have anything to talk about. I haven't had a dream in a while, the last time was before I received the finger in the paper bag.

"C'mon, Butters!" Kyle pleads, "We're worried about you.'

"Leave him alone, he obviously doesn't want to talk to you," A new voice sighs, "you're really getting on my nerves."

Slow footsteps approach me until a thin body flops beside me. A tanned hand takes mine and squeezes it gently. I try to pull my hand away from his, but his grip is too strong.

"Y'know Butters, I always liked you," Xavier says in a whisper-y voice, "Not like how Jax liked you. I wish we could've been friends."

"Well you really fucked up your chances when you killed my fucking dog." My voice is slightly croaky as I haven't spoken in a while, but even so I still sound angry.

"It was wrong of me, yes, but Jax forced me to. I'm so so sorry!" Xavier wipes his eye with his sleeve, dragging my hand with his arm, "I wish I'd never done it and I know you'll never forgive me, but just know that if I had a choice I wouldn't've done it to you. Jax said that if I didn't he'd hurt Sebastian."

"Sebastian?" I repeat in confusion.

"I had a huge crush on him, he was - and still is - the love of my life," Xavier looks over at the spot in the corner of the room where he and Sebastian usually sit, "I asked him out a while ago, but he said no."

"How unfortunate," I roll my eyes, "why are you telling me this now instead of when it mattered?"

Xavier lets go of me and puts his head into his hands.

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