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After my final class I head downstairs into the entrance hall to meet up with Ike so Gerald can drive us home.
By the time I get downstairs he's there, waiting for me and chatting to a pretty receptionist lady about Jewish traditions.

"That's very interesting," She smiles, "Looks like your friend is here. See you later."

"Hi, Butters," Ike smiles, "Dad texted me a few minuets ago. He said he'll be here as soon as he can."


We sit on a hard brown bench against the wall and wait for what seems like forever. The minuets tick by slowly. Surely that clock is broken?

Soon, we're the only ones left in the entrance hall. There's no noise except our breathing and the taps of the receptionist's keyboard.

After half an hour, the pretty receptionist lady picks up her pink handbag and leaves her desk.

"Aren't you guys going home?" She asks.

"My dad's picking us up but I don't know where he is." Ike frowns.

"I can try phoning home?" She offers, "will one of your parents be there?"

"My mom might." Ike shrugs.

They walk over to the desk together. Ike dials the home phone's number and the receptionist lady holds the phone to her ear.
She taps her hot-pink nails on the desk as she waits for someone to pick up.

After a minuet, she puts the phone back down and shrugs.

"Sorry boys, nobody answered."

"It's fine, Mrs Donovan," Ike shrugs, sitting back down beside me on the hard bench, "I'm sure dad'll be here soon."

"Right. Well, I have to go home now or I'll be doing unpaid overtime. See you later," she presses the button to open the double glass doors, "stay safe."

She leaves us alone in the school.
Ike yawns loudly and shifts on the bench.

"Should we walk home?" I ask.

"No way. My form tutor was lecturing us about leaving without a parent or guardian. Apparently the mayor is insisting on a curfew for everyone."

"Damn." I mutter.

We sit in silence for even longer.
My butt is hurting badly by this point as the bench is just uncomfortable wood and nothing else.

Luckily, we hear a car door slam outside and see Gerald walking to the door.
We run outside.

"Dad! What took you so long?" Ike demands, his voice high and whiney like a child.

"Sorry, son, the police were questioning me," He looks up at me, "they've asked to question you as well."

I bite my lip, but nod.

"Right, get into the car kids. We need to get home as quick as possible. The police are waiting."

I sit in the back of the car beside Ike and slam the door shut. Gerald waits for us to buckle our seatbelts before setting off.

"Have the police got any leads?" I ask after a while of silence.

Gerald shrugs. Helpful.

"They didn't really say anything. They were just asking me a lot of questions." He replies, shrugging again.

Nobody says anything the rest of the way home. It's awkward, it's uncomfortable and it certainly isn't what i want right now.
I want Gerald to tell me it's okay, that they'll find his son and the other students, that Kenny obviously isn't the kidnapper, that everyone will be okay.
But I know he can't tell me these things since nobody knows the answer to anything right now.

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