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The door shuts, plunging us back into darkness.

"I need a piss." Josh groans.

"Then why didn't you ask for the bottle?" Kyle asks.

"Because I don't want to pee in a bottle that they're going to keep," he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, "they'd probably drink it or something."

"Fair point." Kyle says after a moment.

I pull at my chains, seeing how far they'll stretch. Sadly it isn't far enough to walk anywhere, but I can at least stand up and stretch my legs.

I stand up, my legs shaking at the sudden movement, and walk on the spot to try and stop the pins and needles in my legs.

"What're you doing?" Wendy asks, "you can't go anywhere."

"My legs are going numb," I reply, stamping my left foot on the floor to try and regain feeling. "I've been sat down for too long."

I hear movement upstairs, footsteps slowly approaching the vague direction of the basement door.

"Sit down!" Kyle hisses, "do you want to bring one of them down here?"

"Fuck them." I simply reply and continue moving around.

The basement door opens again and Kenny pokes his head out.
He frowns at me and walks down the steps, shutting the door behind him.

"What're you doing Leo?" He asks, "you know you can't go anywhere."

I don't answer him. He moves closer to me, but not close enough to do anything.

"Sit down Leo," His voice is cold and harsh, yet I can somehow detect sadness in it too. "Please don't make this difficult, babe."

I turn to him, fists clenched so tightly my fingernails dig into the palms of my hand.

"How dare you call me babe!" I shout. "You don't have the right. You've locked me in a fucking basement for fuck's sake!"

Kenny bites his lip and moves forward, closer to me.
I feel angry tears sliding down my face. He reaches out to wipe them away, but I slap his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me you freak!" I snarl.

Kenny looks as if he's been slapped.
He stares at me in silence, his arm still stretched out to touch me as if I hadn't moved.

"Go find someone else to trick into loving you." I mutter as I sit back down on the floor, the anger disappearing as quickly as it had come.

"I didn't want to trick you," Kenny sits down beside me. "That was my parents' plan. They ask all three kids to do it and it's a horrible plan. I do love you, Leo."

"Sure." I roll my eyes and try to move as far away from Kenny as I can.

"I do, I swear!" He takes my hand and for some reason I don't pull it away, "I've done this a few times but I've never had any real feelings for any of them. I never made secret messages in notes for Josh, I never kissed Token... you're the only one I've ever loved."

"You said you loved me, prick!" Josh butts in, "you even went out with me one night and toilet papered Mr Garrison's house!"

"That meant nothing," Kenny's voice is cold, harsh, unloving. It's different to how he speaks to me. "We've discussed this."

Josh flips him off, but I don't know if Kenny noticed in the darkness as he doesn't say anything.

He squeezes my hand and stands up.

"I have to go. I'm only here because mom thought she heard a noise."

He starts moving away, but I grab his sleeve and pull a little, grabbing his attention as well as stopping him.

"Kenny, can I ask... are you vampires?"

Everyone laughs, Kenny included. The sound echoes throughout the small room, making it seem much louder.

"Vampires?" Kenny repeats in between laughs, "no way! We're not like those stupid fake vampires that drink clamato juice and wear fake fangs."

"Then what are you?"

Kenny bends down so he's at my level.
He whispers a single word into my ear, plants a tiny kiss on the tip of my nose and leaves.

After the door shuts, Wendy leans over to me.

"Hey, Butters, what did he say?" She asks.

"He said they're cannibals," I sigh, sitting back against the wall and putting my head in my hands, "I can't believe it. He's going to eat me, they're going to eat me!"

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