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"Calm down, you're fine," an unrecognisable voice tells me. "You're having a panic attack, I'm pretty sure you are anyway. I'm going to remove my hand and take you somewhere quiet, okay? Please don't freak out."

They remove their hand and instead grab my wrist. The stranger pulls me through the crowd, shoving people out of their way like it's nothing.

Suddenly, they pulls me in front of him and through a gap in the wall of people into a well lit bedroom.
Now that I can finally see my saviour, I turn around to have a look at them.

I really hoped it would be Kenny, but much to my dismay the person standing in front of me isn't a hot, slightly scruffy blond in an orange parka.

His piercing blue eyes sweep over me, a blank expression covering his face.
Craig brushes his dark hair out of his eyes, tucking it under his blue hat.

"Are you okay now?" He asks in an emotionless monotone. "My boyfriend gets panic attacks all the time and it looked like you were having one. Oh, here you go."

He passes me a tissue. I take it and look up at him, confused as to why he's given it to me.

"For your eyes," he takes it off me and wipes my eyes for me. I didn't even know I was crying. "Stand up straight and take deep breaths through your nose and exhale out your mouth until you feel better."

I do as he says, feeling slightly silly as I take the deepest, shaky breaths my crappy lungs can take.
Craig pulls out his phone and taps quickly on the screen. Rude.

After a minuet or two I start to feel better. The feeling of impending doom has gone and I don't feel trapped anymore.

The door opens and a blond male walks in. Sadly, not Kenny.
However, I am glad to see that it's Tweek.

"What's going on C-Craig?" He asks, barely shaking and stuttering compared to when I met him in the coffee shop.

"When I went to get you a drink I saw Butters freaking out. I couldn't just leave him there," Craig explains. "I think he was having a panic attack. Could you give him some advice or something? You know I'm not good at this stuff."

Tweek rolls his eyes, but sits on the bed and beckons me over.

"Craig, get me a cold, d-damp dishcloth or something." He commands as I sit down beside him.

Craig leaves the room.
Tweek turns his body a little so he's facing me.

"How do you feel?" He asks calmly.

"I... I don't know how to explain it," I sigh. "I just.."

"Don't pressure yourself," Tweek smiles sympathetically, "too much pressure is bad for you. Trust me, I should know. When I w-was in the fourth grade I was a mess, I mean, I still am but I'm n-nowhere near as bad as then."

"Thanks," I smile weakly, still shaking with fear. "It feels awful. It feels like I'm trapped and everyone's closing in on me, y'know?"

Tweek nods, "if you ever need help, d-don't be afraid to come to me. Okay?"

"Thank you. I feel a lot better."

Tweek rubs my shoulder a little. The door opens again and Craig returns with a damp face cloth and a glass of water.

He hands me the glass of water and mops my forehead whilst Tweek tells me about how he used to thing gnomes were stealing his underwear because he drank too much coffee.

"There," Craig says, dropping the damp cloth onto the floor, "you seem a lot better now. Do you mind if me and Tweek leave?"

"We w-want to have some... alone time. Y'know?" Tweek winks, although it could've been an eye twitch.

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind."

They both thank me and leave the room, holding hands.
I lie back on the bed and shut my eyes, still wishing I hadn't come.

The door squeaks open again after a couple of minuets, but I don't get up to see who it is. Tweek or Craig probably left something in here so they're coming to get it.

Or not.

I feel someone sit down on the bed. My eyes snap open and I sit up quickly in case I need to run.

"Careful, now. Don't wanna fall over." The voice I've been waiting to hear all night chuckles.

"Kenny!" I throw my arms around the teenager and hug him tight.

"Calm down, kiddo," he hugs me back, "happy to see me?"

"Yes!" I squeal, "hey Kenny?"


"Can I..." I hesitate, "please can I kiss you?"

"Of course." Kenny rolls his eyes jokingly and removed his hood.

I crawl closer to Kenny on the bed and kneel up a little to reach him, since he's still taller than me even when sat down.

I gently press my soft lips against his rough ones. I don't know what I'm doing and I expected it to be super simple, but it isn't.
I also expected Kenny to take the lead, but he doesn't.

It's a quick kiss. Not what I expected, but a kiss all the same.
I sit back and awkwardly bite my lip.

"Was that your first kiss?" Kenny asks, "other than your mother, obviously."

"Sort of." I reply, not wanting to talk about it.

"I could tell."

He leans forward, presses his lips against mine and pushes me so I fall onto my back.
I squeak in shock, making this the perfect opportunity for him to deepen the kiss. He takes the opportunity by sticking his tongue into my mouth.

This is the kiss I imagined from him. Rough, yet passionate. It's amazing.

He pulls away long enough to say, "let's get you more comfortable."

His fingers quickly unbutton my shirt, so quick it's like he's done this a million times before. Cold air hits my chest but is replaced with warmth within seconds as he pulls a blanket over me. He rolls me up like a burrito and repositions me to I'm lying with my head on the pillow.

"I'll see you in the morning." He says, getting to his feet.

"Kenny, can you stay with me?"

He pauses. When he turns, his face is slightly pink and he's fighting a flustered smile.

"Of course, Leo. I'll never leave you."

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