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"Butters, it's time to wake up." An unfamiliar voice whispers.

"What time is it?" I groan, opening my eyes and sitting up.

"Half past one in the afternoon," the nurse who looks an awful lot like Stan's mom replies, "you arrived here at twenty two minuets past four in the morning and slept all night. I was advised to wake you up because the police would like to question you after you see your visitors."

I blink against the bright light, my eyes stinging at its sudden harshness.
I look around the room, unsure of where I am.

I seem to be in a hospital, however I don't remember arriving and I don't know why I'm here either. I feel fine and I appear to be fine.

"Where am I?" I ask the nurse.

"You're at hells pass hospital, dear," she replies with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

I shake my head. She shrugs and walks out of the room, leaving me alone.

I pat my throbbing head gingerly, discovering it's bandaged up. It must have been because of the blood I discovered a few nights ago, although surely they wouldn't bandage that up? It would've healed by now.

The door opens and a balding man walks in, followed by Mr Slave who's wearing a black collar with a leash which Mr Garrison is holding.

"Hello... student," he sits at the edge of my bed, as far away from me as you can possibly get, "I um... was asked to visit you."

"Oh." Is all I can manage to say.

"I was meant to pretend to have wanted to visit you, but honestly I don't give a crap about you kids. I'm not getting paid so I'm not gonna pretend to care," he passes me an opened packet of grape sweets, "Real grapes were two dollars but these were one dollar so I got these."

"Umm thanks," I place them on the little table beside me, "Why am I here?"

"You passed out and hit your head on the road really bad, sweetie," Mr Slave replies, sitting beside Mr. Garrison on the bed, "and it looks like you haven't eaten or slept in days so they're keeping you in here until you're healthy enough to go home."

"How's Kenny?" I ask, "the police aren't being too hard on him are they?"

Mr Garrison and Mr Slave exchange a worried glance.

"Butters... Kenny died," Mr Slave says slowly, "he was crushed by a truck."

"No.. he can't be dead!" I feel tears in my eyes, but I try my hardest not to cry in front of the two men, "he's a messed up kid but h-he can't be dead."

Mr Slave rubs my arm sympathetically.
Mr Garrison puts his head in his hands and sighs loudly, mumbling something about how he doesn't get paid enough for this.

"We should probably go. You have more visitors waiting for you," Mr Slave pats my head gently before standing up and heading towards the door, "Jesus Christ, Mr Garrison, hurry up! Big Gay Al is waiting for me at home."

Mr Garrison wraps the leash around his hand and leaves the room with Mr Slave.
The moment they leave, the door opens again and Kyle and Craig enter the room.

Kyle is wearing a hospital gown and a pair of Terrence and Philip slippers as well as his green hat,but Craig is wearing a black coat ,black pants and he's not not wearing his hat.

"Hey, Butters," Craig greets me, "How you feeling?"


"Aren't we all?" Kyle says as he sits on the bed. "Kenny's dead, did you hear?"

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